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他们还是知心朋友。They are close friends.

女人能成为知心朋友。Women made such swell friends.

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你没有知心的朋友。You don't have any confidants.

我家有一个知心的朋友名字叫笨笨。I have a good friend called Benben.

拥有知心朋友是一件幸福地事。Have close friends is a happy things.

如果你觉得你没有很多知心朋友,那么他呢?If you think you don't have many friends.

老朱以前把我当作他的知心朋友。Lao Zhu used to take me into his confidence.

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平均来看,参与者拥有2.03个知心好友。On average, participants had 2.03 confidantes.

她不但是我的妈妈,还是我的知心朋友呢!She is not only my mother, or my bosom friend!

朋友要知心的,和衷共济!Intimate friends to work together with one heart!

近期心愿交结知心的朋友,为我们美好的家园贡献一份力量。I am a student in tanan. In my mind i am a good man.

欲知心断绝,应看胶上弦。For hearts cut off, should look at the rubber winding.

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我的朋友圈子很大,但很少知心朋友!I have a big circle of friends, but few bosom friends!

在这个世界难道找不到一个知心朋友吗?Will I never be able to find a real friend in the world?

我希望能找上一个知心朋友,一块出去玩!I want find a good friend , and go out to play together !

大学时,我有个知心朋友,我的同学。I had a bosom friend who was my classmate in the university.

最识知心情依旧,遥祝佳节如意临!The most general mood, still know the best wish Christmas! ! ! ! !

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我爱小草野花的知心,更爱闪亮的夜星。Green grass and wild flowers are my friends, shining stars my love.

如果你不确定,是时候想想什么能使你成为他人的知心好友。If you’re not sure, it’s time to think about what makes a true pal.

我想他需要一个知心的女友,这是我们喜欢他的原因。I think he needed confidantes and that is why we were fond of him"."