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被削弱的斗牛的用处是什么?What else does the pitbull do?

它们也许会被进一步削弱。They can be whittled down further.

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他的权力被一点点儿地削弱了。His powers were nickeled-and-dimed.

他的缺席使这支球队的实力削弱。The team was crippled by his absence.

这是因为水能够削弱体温。This is because water saps body heat.

第四,削弱行政膨胀。Fourth, puncture administrative bloat.

酒精能削弱人的抑制力。Alcohol weakens a person 's inhibitions.

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任何一个行星逆行,它削弱。When any planet retrogrades, it weakens.

公司试图削弱工会的力量。The company tried to emasculate the unions.

这种艰苦的工作削弱了我的锐气。This hard work has drained away my keenness.

阶级偏见即使不能根除,也被削弱。Class bias was ameliorated if not eliminated.

使风暴表面冷却,减弱削弱风暴的威力。This cools the surface and weakens the storm.

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民主自由已经受到削弱。So that democratic freedom has been curtailed.

但是这并没有削弱姚明效应的影响。Yet that has not lessened the Yao Ming Effect.

那种痛苦使你谦下而卑微,削弱了你的自尊。That pain humbles you and strips down your ego.

我已经失去了蒙塔里,这削弱了球队。I've lost Sulley and that has weakened the team.

它们不能蜕变一个人,它们只能严重削弱一个人。It does not transform man, it only cripples man.

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现在不能削弱发达地区的活力,也不能鼓励吃“大锅饭”。They went up on deck to get food from huge pots.

文辞不当削弱了他演讲的渲染力。Bad diction marred the effectiveness of her speech.

权威的压制削弱了理解。The oppression of authority cripples understanding.