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眼看菊蕊重阳泪。Seeing the petals Chongyang tears.

待到重阳日,还来就菊花。I'll come for your chrysanthemums again.

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一为州司马,三见岁重阳。One is Sima, three years old to see chongyang.

今岁重阳日,萧条巴子台。This year Chongyang, Pakistan depression sub station.

和登高相联系的有吃重阳糕的风俗。And the associated high Chongyang have to eat cake custom.

重阳的源头,可追溯到先秦之前。Chongyang the source, dating back to before the Qin Dynasty.

重阳糕又名“菊花糕”或“花糕”重阳糕的历史可追溯到周朝。The Double Ninth cake is also known as "chrysanthemum cake" or "flower cake".

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重阳糕又名“菊花糕”或“花糕”重阳糕的历史可追溯到周朝。The Double Ninth cake is also known as “chrysanthemum cake” or “flower cake”.

全真道是由王重阳在山东宁海创立的。The Quanzhen Taoism was founded by Wang Chongyang in Ninghai, Shandong Province.

在王重阳劝化马丹阳的过程中,关于藏头拆字词的运用耐人寻味。The use of acrostics is thought-provoking when Wang Chongyang exhorts Ma Danyang.

重阳糕一般都做得很精致,有的还嵌入了蜜饯、枣脯,愈发可口。Some were embedded with preserves and jujube's fruits, more delicious to the taste.

重阳在民众生活中成为夏冬交接的时间界标。In the Chung Yeung public life into summer and winter time of the handover landmark.

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魏时曹丕曾在重阳赠菊给钟繇,祝他长寿。Wei Cao Pi had in the Chung Yeung chrysanthemum to giveZhong Yao, to wish him a long.

有许多不同口味的重阳糕,包括水果味、咖啡味和巧克力味的。There are many different kinds of chongyanggao, including fruit, coffee and chocolate.

因此,九月初九被称作重阳或重九。Thus, the ninth day of the ninth lunar month is called Double-Positive or Double-Nine.

习俗有登高、赏菊、饮菊花酒、佩茱萸、吃重阳糕等。Customs are climbing, Shangju, drink chrysanthemum wine, carrying dogwood, eating Double-Ninth cake.

但王重阳不久仙逝,发展、壮大新生的全真教的重任落在了“七子”的肩上。Wang Chongyang experienced heavy setbacks in expanding the religious ideas in Shanxi, his birthplace.

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因遇重阳而伤别叹老是重阳诗中习见的情感反应模式。It is a common pattern of emotion reaction in the poems that they often sigh because they are settin old.

壁画的组成分为三个部分,三清殿、纯阳殿和重阳殿。Mural component is divided into three parts, San Qingdian, Chun-yang palace, and Chung Yeung Festival Hall.

索尔斯克亚的眼光聚焦在700英里以外的远隔重阳的英格兰。Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's eye has long been drawn 700-odd miles south west, beyond those mountains, to England.