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施者证实无善心,富裕的礼品只修饰穷人。Rich gifts wax poor when givers prove unkind.

是的,善心也是一种习惯,可以培养。Yes, kindness is a habit. And it can be cultivated.

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他们以恶心回报我的善心,他们用恨情还报我的爱情。They repay me evil for good, and hatred for my love.

他是拾荒者,是艺术家,也是爱护流浪动物的善心人士。WEI is an artist, an animal lover, and a kind giver.

从前,在一个国家里,有一位做了无数善事的善心者。Once upon a time there lived in a country a do-gooder.

是求名之心而非善心促使他这么做。He is actuated not by kindness but by a desire for fame.

我知道有很多有善心的人可能会帮到我的女儿。I know there is some charitable soul out there who can save my daughter.

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他的善心使得许多穷孩子上大学成为可能。His benevolence made it possible for many poor children to attend college.

的确,一个年轻的乖戾之人没有善心,一个年老的理想主义者没有头脑。Indeed, whereas a young curmudgeon has no heart, an old idealist has no head.

真正的善心必先有能力把他人的痛苦和欢乐想象成自己的痛苦和欢乐。True kindhearted men must be able to regard others' pain and joy as their own.

用户们不能寄望利用这些网络巨头的道德感或善心来保护自己。Users can’t rely on the ethics or goodwill of large companies to protect them.

这种善心的读者力求把我从种族主义中营救出来,却不去攻击这头恶兽本身。The kind reader seeks to rescue me from racism, rather than attack the beast itself.

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该坊造型美观大方、文饰图案精雕细刻,体现出坊主一片善心的主题格调。Beautiful appearance and fine carving represented the mythos of the master's kindness.

金钱,幸运,繁华,肥沃,康复力,善心,成长,安静,融洽,生命。Money, luck, prosperity, fertility, healing, charity, personal growth, serenity, harmony.

金钱,幸运,繁荣,肥沃,康复力,善心,成长,平静,融洽,生命。Money, luck, prosperity, fertility, healing, charity, personal growth, serenity , harmony.

在这个星期﹐就让我们怀著无比善心﹐并以团结一致的精神﹐来为所有移民和难民献上我们的祷告。In the spirit of charity and unity let us pray this week for all the migrants and refugees.

人之初,性本善,善心善意,人性厚道,是最基本的人格本质。Being kind at birth, meaning well and leniency, make up the most basic aspects of personality.

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这都是为了慈善事业,出于希望帮助发展中国家盲人的善心。For Domenico, it\\\\\\\'s all about charity. He\\\\\\\'s hoping to raise money for a good cause.

拥有比尔盖次的财富,同时拥有特蕾莎修女的善心,可能吗?Is it possible to have the wealth of Bill Gates and the heart of Mother Teresa at the same time?

求求你别妄想他在一副严峻的外表下深深埋藏着善心和恋情!Pray, don't imagine that he conceals depths of benevolence and affection beneath a stern exterior!