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跳蚤市场。Flea markets.

我经常光顾跳蚤市场。I often visit the flea market.

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她说是从跳蚤市场上淘回来的!She got it from the flea market.

圆凳是跳蚤市场上淘的。the stool was a flea market find.

同样地,跳蚤市场也很受欢迎。Also flea markets are popular, too.

Bugatti装饰画来自跳蚤市场。The Bugatti print is from a flea market.

汉特对逛跳蚤市场很感兴趣。When their masters go to the flea market.

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到跳蚤市场逛游我也觉得很有趣。I really enjoyed going to the flea market.

大型的跳蚤市场—即香格里拉。Large flea market-namely fragrant space lira.

对莎蒂而言,中国就像一个巨大的跳蚤市场。To Sadie, China seemed like one giant flea market.

她决定首先到跳蚤市场去卖她的拖布。She set out to sell it, first a few at flea markets.

汉特对逛跳蚤市场很感兴趣。Hunter have an interest in prowl around a flea market.

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汉特对逛跳蚤市场很感兴趣。Hunter has an interest in prowling around a flea market.

上方的装饰画是我在跳蚤市场为她买的。I found the print over the desk in a flea market for her.

她喜欢在跳蚤市场买些有趣的旧货。She likes to pick up some interesting junk in flea-market.

这里提供了比跳蚤市场不同种类的商品。These offer a different breed of bargain than flea markets.

仅几年前中国才开始有了跳蚤市场。Flea markets came into being in China only several years ago.

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桌子旁边的金属架子是在本地的跳蚤市场买的。The metal stand next to the desk is a local flea market find.

他在拍卖行、古玩店和跳蚤市场中寻宝。He finds material at auctions, antique shops and flea markets.

晚上,我们去逛跳蚤市场和美食街。In the evening we went to the flea market and the food street.