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这里将肯定会在这里投产。It will definitely be produced in HVF.

这个厂是去年投产的。This factory went into operation last year.

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这座油田可能在2012年就能投产。The field could enter production as soon as 2012.

将投产项目转化成量产。Transition of launch programs into volume production.

第一套CRVS系统将在2010年初投产。The first CRVS will be production-ready in early 2010.

预投产控制计划是否探讨了较高的风险优先数?Are high RPN's addressed by the pre-launch control plan?

他们投产的新轿车广获传媒报导。The launch of their new saloon received much media coverage.

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“目前,我们的产品正在工厂全面投产,”他说。"We're in full production right now in the factory," he said.

介绍了马惠宁输油管道的施工和投产后的运行现状。The operation actualities of Mahuining oil pipeline is introduced.

汽车制造商将于九月投产新型汽车。The carmaker is almost ready to launch out a new model in September.

希望你能喜欢我们的设计,我们将于9月份投产出售它们。Hope you like our design , we will sell them in the up-coming September.

这个工厂投产的新机器广获传媒报道。The launch of their new machines in this factory received much media coverage.

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1984年,赣州钨钼材料厂投产,引进日本技术,生产出了钨粉、棒、丝等产品。In 1984, Ganzhou Tungsten and Molybdenum Materials Factory was into production.

此外,大众还将于今年九月份在印度投产帕萨特车型。In addition, Volkswagen will also start to produce Passat this September in India.

例如,热销的丰田普拉斯还未在美国投产。The popular Toyota Prius, for example, is not yet manufactured in the United States.

大庆油田截止1999年底累计发现套损井6860口,占投产井数的16。There are 6860 casing damaged wells in Daqing oil field up to 1999, which occupies 16.

在以上研究的指导下,建立了章村矿选煤厂,选煤厂投产后获得可观的经济效益。A new coal preparation plant has been built in Zhangcun coal mine based on above study.

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阐述了混流生产线的投产排序问题。This paper discusses the production sequence problem of the mixed-model production line.

无论是勘探井还是开发井,在正式投产以前都要确定储层的产能。Determination deliverability is necessary for all exploration wells or development wells.

广西东兰泡沫玻璃于1974年开始研制,1978年批量投产。Guangxi East Portland glass bubble in 1974 began developing in 1978 for volume production.