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卡普利茨基今年年初去世。Kaplicky died earlier this year.

伊朗的掩盖行为于2003年初暴露。The cover-up ended in early 2003.

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该款车将于明年年初发售。It will go on sale early next year.

2010年初,Escom宣布破产。Escom declared bankruptcy in early 2010.

第一次来狮城是在1997年初。I first visited Singapore in early 1997.

1493年初,哥伦布回到了西班牙。Early in 1493 Columbus returned to Spain.

建设工程将于2010年年初开工。Construction is set to begin in early 2010.

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年初去意大利旅游,第一站便是威尼斯。A tour to Italy, early first stop is Venice.

1992年初,奥萨马流亡苏丹。He lived in exile in Sudan beginning in 1992.

2000年初至今,桑菲有着巨大的变革。Since early 2000, Sang Fei has a great change.

岁末年初送上我最诚挚的问候,祝您新年快乐!Holiday greetings and best wishes for the New Year!

明年年初,加洛瓦将宣布该计划的详情。Mr Gallois will reveal the details early next year.

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这是年初的犹太教和基督教教会。This was the beginning of the Judeo-Christian Church.

第一套CRVS系统将在2010年初投产。The first CRVS will be production-ready in early 2010.

一定时期的资产负债表应反映年初至今的经营情况。Balance sheet for the period should reflect as the YTD.

1943年初,陈纳德被提升为少将。In early 1943, Chennault was promoted to major general.

1984年初,到了再次参加连任竞选的时候了。In early 1984, it was time to run for reelection again.

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具体报名方式将于2011年初发出正式通知。The registration details will be released in early 2011.

第二单,一个朋克,是2008年初发布。The second single, "A-Punk", was released in early 2008.

tATu是尤丽亚和丽娜两人组成的一个俄罗斯女子演唱组,是由电视剧本作者兼导演伊万•沙波瓦洛夫于2000年初牵头成立的。tATu is a Russian girl group composed of Yulia and Lena.