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该项议案通过投票遭到否决。The measure was outvoted.

提案被否决了。The proposal was rejected.

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国会否决了这项议案。Congress voted the bill down.

他否决了我所有的异议。He overbore all my objections.

提议被一片嘲笑声否决。The proposal was sneered down.

他们已经否决了这项动议。They have thrown out the motion.

法官否决他们的要求。The judge disallowed their claim.

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国会否决了新法令。Parliament tossed the new law out.

全郡投票否决了该项议案。The county voted the measure down.

这一提案已被否决。This proposal has been voted down.

否决否认以及否定。I deny , disaffirm ang disavow that.

它被否决了,我们在放弃它。It's rejected.We're giving up on it.

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总统已否决了该项议案。The President has overruled the bill.

许多代表否决了这项计划。Many of the delegates vetoed the plan.

上院否决了该项议案。The motion was negatived by the House.

该计划被委员会否决了。The plan was negatived by the committee.

马杜罗称自己将否决这项法案。Mr Maduro has said he will veto the bill.

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这项修正案以203票比106票遭到否决。The amendment was rejected by 203 to 106.

他甚至还放话要否决任何权益之计。He even promised to veto a stopgap measure.

总经理有权一票否决。The General Manager also has the veto power.