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这一难题,主要存在于一般单音词中。This problem mainly dwell in the common monosyllabic words.

本文抓住此特点对汉语单音词双音化作了研究。The paper stresses the feature to make a study of two-syllabled words.

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古代汉语一个突出特征是单音词占优势。An outstanding feature of ancient Chinese is that the monosyllabic words prevail.

一是词义发展继续利用单音词的形式。The other is the development of acceptation still use the form of single syllable words.

单音词系统的变化和调整主要包括同义词系统和反义词系统的变化。The change of the system of monosyllable includes the change of the system of synonym and antonym.

汉语从单音词向双音词的发展与“语法—语义结构”。The trendency of monosyllabic words changing into bisyllabic compound words and "syntactic semantic structure".

第二章是单音词研究,分析单音词的概况及词类分布。The second chapter of monosyllabic words, monosyllabic words of the profile and distribution of parts of speech.

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汉语词汇从以单音词为主过渡到以复音词为主,是汉语发展史上的一个重大变化。The Chinese language vocabulary transfers the monosyllabic words first to the disyllabic and polysyllabic words first.

构成现代汉语双音词的语素多由先秦的单音词发展而来。The morphemes forming modern Chinese double-syllable words are largely derived from single-syllable words of the Pre-Qin Dynasty.

只有语义场的非中心成员才可能语素化,发生语素化的单音词应具备泛义性特征。Only peripheral members of a semantic field could be morphemized, and the mophemized monosyllabic word should express generalized meaning.

在构词法上,单音词演变为复音词,以合成词为主且偏正式最多。In terms of word formation, it involved the transformation of monosyllable to disyllable words, with more compounds and modified compounds.

汉语词汇从以单音词为主,过渡到以复音词为主,是汉语史上的一大发展变化。Chinese vocabulary mainly from a monosyllabic word, the transition to sound words mainly in Chinese history is a great development and changes.

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汉语词汇从以单音词为主过渡到以复音词为主,是汉语发展史上的一个重大变化。That Chinese vocabulary transits from to giving first place to the monosyllabic word to giving first place to complex tone word, is a upper Chinese phylogeny significant change.

第一项计划是简化言辞,将多音节词缩成单音词节,省去动词和分词,因为一切可以想象到的东西事实上全是名词。The first project was, to shorten discourse, by cutting polysyllables into one, and leaving out verbs and participles , because, in reality, all things imaginable are but norms.

单音词和双音节合成词是这一章的重点,也是全文的重点,三音节ABB式则是元代汉语新词的突出特点。Monosyllabic words and two-syllable word is the focus of this chapter is the focus of the full text, three-syllable Chinese Yuan ABB style is the prominent feature of the new words.

通过以上四个方面的研究,对唐代词汇有了一定的了解,对颜师古注释词语中单音词和双音词的发展演变轨迹有了初步的认识。Through these four aspects of research, we must have the Tang Dynasty vocabulary understanding, so that we will recognize the developing path of the monosyllabic words and two-syllable word.