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他们的妻儿繁荣Their wives bear them children.

目前他本人和妻儿正定居在加利福尼亚州。He resides with his wife and kids in California.

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除了看看照片,约翰森已经一年多没有见到过妻儿了。It had been more than a year since he'd seen them.

他抛弃妻儿,另觅新欢。He abandoned his wife and children for another woman.

溺于酒以致妻儿一贫如洗。Many sailors drink their wives and children out of doors.

李壮和妻儿一家四口住在甘肃省中部的靖远县。Li and his family live in Jingyuan, in the centre of Gansu.

猴群中所有的猴子都是他的妻儿。All the monkeys in his band were his own wives and children.

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史密斯先生死后他的妻儿变得一贫如洗。When Mr Smith died his wife and childern were left destitute.

那个男人无耻地抛弃了妻儿,另觅新欢。The man shamelessly abandoned his wife and child for another woman.

比尔是否对杀死他的妻儿负有道德责任?Is Bill fully morally responsible for killing his wife and children?

但一年前,他和妻儿回到了纽约长岛。But a year ago, he returned, with his wife and children, to Long Island.

不久,他的妻儿们就衣裳褴褛,要到街上要饭了。Before long, his widow and children were in rags, begging on the streets.

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我和妻儿们费了九牛二虎之力在“基辅旅馆”找到一个房间。With my wife and children I found with great difficulty a room in the Kiev Hostelry.

阿吉雷立刻吩咐妻儿收拾家当,逃至美国的艾尔帕索寻求政治避难。Aguirre immediately packed up his wife and sons and fled to El Paso, where he sought asylum.

当时,我与数位大学时的旧相识在一个聚会上,在场的还有他们的妻儿。I was at a party with a few people I went to college with, along with their spouses and kids.

而他的妻儿和母亲皆一同出席分享这个贝克汉人生光荣的时刻。His wife and mother both attended this event and shared this glorious moment in Beckham's life.

第二个妻子是父母、妻儿、兄弟、亲戚、朋友和仆佣。The second wife is parents, wife and children and brothers and relatives, friends and the servant.

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在华为工作的李先生,就是典型海龟中的一员,他的妻儿仍在美国居住。The wife and children of Huawei's Mr Li, the seemingly archetypal sea turtle, still live in America.

致远因妻儿被救,答应振锋为卖官的事做证。Reach for wife and children rescued, agreed to sell the officer in the front of vibration of witness.

他和妻儿及宠物住在维多利亚东部的丛林。Scot lives with his wife and three children, two dogs and some chooks in the bush in Eastern Victoria.