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然而,真正的问题是关注离ACA大大减缓成本增长还有多远。Yet the real question concerns how far the ACA will go in slowing cost growth.

提出了一种新的基于蚁群算法的多目标跟踪方法。A method based on ACA is proposed for data association for multi-target tracking.

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老式的ACA体系采取卤钨灯、透镜、滤色片、光电池组件。Vintage ACA system adopt halogen tungsten lamp, lens, filter, light battery assembly.

正如CMS保险统计专家指出的那样,ACA将增加国民卫生保健开支。And, as the CMS actuary points out, the ACA will increase national health care expenditures.

如果是这样,SEC在欺诈指控中把ACA描述为一个受到误导的受害者,这将因此而遭到怀疑。That would cast doubt on the the SEC's portrayal of ACA as a misinformed victim in the alleged fraud.

高盛表示,ACA财务担保公司和德国IKB工业银行都是熟练的投资者,不必对其言明保尔森的角色。Goldman says that ACA and IKB were sophisticated investors and that disclosure of Paulson's role was not required.

这一下降意味着,到了第二个十年,ACA将减少国家卫生保健支出。These declining estimates imply that by the second decade, the ACA will have reduced national health care spending.

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证交会指出,这层关系并未对高盛的客户——ACA财务担保公司和德国IKB工业银行——言明。The SEC says the relationship was not disclosed to Goldman's clients, ACA Financial Guaranty and the German bank IKB.

对其中53例ACA阳性反复流产患者在孕前一个月或孕早期采用低剂量阿司匹林治疗。Lose-dose aspirin was given to 53 women with recurrent abortion with positive ACA before pregnancy or in the first trimester.

高盛告诉包括一些欧洲银行在内的投资人,这些组成CDO的合成证券是由独立第三方ACA管理公司所挑选的。Golman told the investors, including some European banks, that ACA Management, an independent third party, picked what went into CDO.

在介绍蚁群算法基本原理以及探讨该算法的缺陷基础上,针对多处理器任务调度问题,提出了一种基于改进型蚁群算法的调度策略。After the basic theory of ACA is introduced, a multiprocessors scheduling policy based on an improved ant colony algorithm is proposed in this paper.

一种模式,霍夫斯塔德文化取向模式,据报道,在1995年春天发行何种杂志基于文化划分五个连续体落在何处。Cultural Orientation Model, as reported in the Spring 1995 issue of the ACA Journal, classifies cultures based on where they fall on five continuums.

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目的探讨反复流产、宫内死胎、孕中、晚期孕妇与抗磷脂自身抗体的关系。Objective The level of ACA was tested in cases with repeating abortion and dead embryo and in later pregnancy to explore their relationship on antibody.

线圈自动组装机是我们公司高级导引钢丝给料机的升级版,产品融合了切割,装配,焊接,微调技术等。The ACA is a natural evolution of our Advanced Guidewire Feeder that combines our feeding, cutting, assembly, bonding, and trimming technologies into one operation.

通过比较FCFS调度方法和ASP蚁群算法对不同航班队列的排序结果验证了ASP蚁群算法求解问题的可行性和求解效果。The efficiency and reliability of the ACA for the ASP was investigated by comparing the sequencing results of FCFS method for different numbers of landing aircraft.

结论孕妇血清ACA水平增高可能与妊娠并发症、低出生体重、围产儿缺氧等不良妊娠结局的发生有关。Conclusion The rise of ACA in gravida serum may be correlated with poor results of pregnancy, such as gestational complications, low birth weight and perinatal anoxia.

一种模式,霍夫斯塔德文化取向模式,据报道,在1995年春天发行何种杂志基于文化划分五个连续体落在何处。One model, the Hofstede Cultural Orientation Model, as reported in the Spring 1995 issue of the ACA Journal, classifies cultures based on where they fall on five continuums.