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它是不可预测的。It's unpredictable.

天气很难预料。It's pretty unpredictable.

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非零散过程有多不可预测?How unpredictable are non-trivial processes?

今年会有点奇怪而且难以预料。This year will be strange and unpredictable.

约翰·森特爵士是个反复无常的人。Sir John Senter was a very unpredictable man.

这是一个变幻难测的世纪。This is a changing and unpredictable century.

决策往往缓慢而难以预测。Decision-making is slow and often unpredictable.

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然而,恐怖主义或者自然因素导致的核爆,却难以预测。However, terrorism, by nature, is unpredictable.

高度为3000米的默拉皮火山是著名不可预知的。The 3, 000-meter Merapi is famously unpredictable.

谁也摸不透排队机制是什么。No one unpredictable queuing mechanism is all about.

但是这项技术的有趣之处就是它是不可预知的。But the joy of technology is that it’s unpredictable.

栓塞的长期成功性是不确切的。The long-term success of embolization is unpredictable.

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上帝的旨意,难以揣测。They're unpredictable to the very god who created them.

生命最好的一点就是不可预知。At its best jordan 5s , life is completely unpredictable.

灵光乍现可能会是突然发生的并且难以预测的。Bursts of mental clarity can be sudden and unpredictable.

那引导他们的道路与体验是不预测的。The paths and experiences that guide them are unpredictable.

唯一能肯定的是,影响肯定是多方面且难以预测的。We can be sure only that they will be many and unpredictable.

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同造成大流行的病毒一样,大流行变幻莫测。Pandemics, like the viruses that cause them, are unpredictable.

所以,我认为北韩在这方面是相当难以预测的。So, I think North Korea is fairly unpredictable in that regard.

实际上,每个人的行为都是复杂的、非线性的和独一无二的。Instead, human behavior is complex, nonlinear and unpredictable.