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我想问他是从事什么编程语言的。I want to ask him. Learn what Programer?

我现在的梦想是做一名,影视后期视频设计师。My current dream is to be an latter video programer.

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我会告诉更多的细节时,索姆程序员将与我联系!I will tell more details when som programer will contact me!

我设计了所有的游戏,所以没有设计工作是必要的。只是一个程序员。I have designed all the games so no design work is needed. just a programer.

要求有5年以上工作经验,做五轴机器的编程工作。Experienced Tool path programer for 5 axis milling machine. Full or par time.

软件工程师、电脑编程员和数学家都被评为压力小的工作。Software engineer, computer programer and mathematician were all rated low-stress.

因此,针对某些消费主题的银行信用卡——主题卡应运而生。So the bank credit card—Theme Card , special for some consume programer is generating.

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我有在私营部门主页布局,和我有手的CSS样式表由程序员进行编码。I have the home page layout in PSD, and I have the CSS style sheet hand coded by a programer.

我期待聘请程序员,将监视,并确保我们拥有最新的守则,我们的服务器中。I'm looking to hire a programer that will monitor and make sure that we have the most current codes stored on our server.

分析C程序设计中七个编程者必然遇到而又易犯错误的问题,同时指出了犯错的原因和相应的解诀方法。Analyses seven questions which programer use certainly and make mistakes easily in C programing, and Pointsout the reason making those mistakes and brings forward the methods to solve those questions.