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鼓励幽默。Encourage humour.

我们鼓励这样。We encourage this.

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与大家共勉!Encourage with everybody!

我们鼓励您申请。We encourage you to apply.

我决定去鼓励他。I resolved to encourage him.

鼓励企业提档升级。Encourage industry upgrading.

你是怎样鼓励自己的?How do you encourage yourself?

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不要助长歪风邪气。Don't encourage the evil trends.

朗会鼓励她绘画吗?Would Lon encourage her painting?

中国是否应该鼓励私家车?。Shold China Encourage Private Cars?

我力荐你们读读这本书。So I encourage you to check it out.

鼓励他们去做些别的。Encourage them to do something else.

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不可助长他懒惰成性。Don't encourage him in his idle ways.

鼓励和资助在家里煮饭。Encourage and subsidize home cooking.

我就到处提倡游水。I encourage swimming everywhere I go.

同时我鼓励他们努力做最好的自己。And I encourage them to be their best.

我鼓励你顺着这条线索再走走。I encourage you to follow that thread.

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鼓励男嘉宾开发新发型Encourage more male hair eccentricities

为此,请允许我鼓励你们采取行动。So – let me encourage you to take action.

我也鼓励你把你的工作献给神。And I encourage you to give him your work.