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懒猴是世界上唯一有毒的灵长类动物。The slow loris is the world's only poisonous primate.

如果世界上也有动物需要提速的话,那就是懒猴了。If ever an animal needed to be fast, it is the slow loris.

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被懒猴咬到会导致一个疼痛的肿胀这个毒素是温和但不致命。Loris bites cause a painful swelling, and the toxin is mild and not fatal.

两只濒危的倭蜂猴立刻从他的内裤中取出。Two endangered slow loris pygmy monkeys were promptly removed from his underwear.

哦,懒猴是地球上绝对最可爱,温柔,害羞的哺乳动物之一。Oh, well the Slow Loris is one of the absolute most cute, sweet, and shy mammals on earth.

2008年3月22日,泰国警官捧着在曼谷恰图恰周末市场突击搜查中救出的一只懒猴。A Thai police officer holds a slow loris rescued during a raid at the Chatuchak market in Bangkok on March 22, 2008.

在伦敦动物园,八个月大的雌性懒猴身体显瘦,正等待兽医为她做第一次健康检查。An eight-month-old female slender loris waits to be given her first health check by the veterinary team at London Zoo.

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然而,洛里斯说,共和党是反对使用纳税人的钱用来资助应对气候变化的技术。However, Loris says Republicans are against using tax payer money to subsidize any technologies used to combat climate change.

而且传说中,担心交通安全的村民只需将一只懒猴埋在新建道路的路面下,就可以永保这条路没有车祸。And legend has it that villagers anxious about traffic safety need only bury a loris beneath a new road to keep it free from accidents.

有传言说这种生活在斯里兰卡的细长懒猴具有壮阳及治疗哮喘的作用,因此数百年来它们一直难逃被人们猎杀的厄运。The Slender Loris has been hunted for centuries in Sri Lanka for its purported qualities as an aphrodisiac, asthma cure and as a kind of living voodoo doll.

通过引起中毒,懒猴可以一个在它肘下的腺体里产生毒素,这个毒素如果被食用的话,它使你的胃迅速地剧痛。By poisonous, the Slow Loris produces a toxin on the inside of its elbows through a gland, which if eaten, would give you quite an extreme case of stomach pain.

让瘠懒猴与青藤蛇这些野生动物可以迁徙,让当地农民发展可持续农业,收获水果和木材。This allows wildlife such as the slender loris and green vine snake to move around. The local farmers are helped to develop sustainable agriculture harvesting fruit and timber.

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他们的策略是让卡皮罗西和克里斯韦尔默朗,以及球队的球迷,并采取道路大奖赛启发彩色版的一个最佳田径比赛有史以来的自行车。Their strategy is to allow Loris Capirossi and Chris Vermeulen, as well as the team's fans, to take to the road a GP -inspired colored version of one of the best track racing bikes ever made.