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如何利用它,工匠与文人一同摸索。How to use it, craftsman and bookman fumble together.

陈年的一位好友曾这样评价他,“典型的文人,典型的商人。”An age good friend ever evaluated him so, "Typical bookman , typical businessman."

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他的爱国精神是中华民族爱国主义的源头,打动了历代文人士子。His patriotism is the source of Chinese patriotism, moving bookman and scholar of all times.

可见当时,争效文人,争购细木家具也是时尚之一了。Visible at that time, contend for effect bookman , furniture of snap up fine wood also is one of vogue.

中国传统文化研究是建立在“文人政治、精英文化”基础之上的。Chinese traditional culture studies depends on the base of "bookman politics" and "outstanding person culture".

流风所及,中国文人几乎无一不跟娼妓饮酒作乐,写诗漫爱。Place drifting wind and, chinese bookman is not had almost do not follow meretricious drink make merry, write Shi Manai.

青花是怀旧气氛里不可缺少的元素。清淡的笔墨一直是文人心中的最爱。Green flower is the indispensable element in nostalgic aura. Delicate writing is bookman heart is medium all the time love most.

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这位才思灵敏的女文人同时也是个颇有创造力的设计师,这一点在她家的装修设计中体现得尤为明显。The female bookman with this nimble creativeness also is a quite creative stylist at the same time, this are in her home in decorating a design, reflect particularly apparent.

介绍了“书商主动配送图书”采购方法的特点和优势,指出了应注意的几个问题。This paper introduces the features and superiorities of the acquisitioning method of "sending the book by the bookman actively", and points out some problems needing attention.

宋代建兰并不出名,甚至连福建本地的兰家和文人雅士都说不准兰花的正名。Acting sword- leaved cymbidium of the Song Dynasty is not famous, the orchid home that connects Fujian this locality even and bookman refined scholar say to forbid orchid renown.

本文讨论了数字时代版权人、出版商、公众三者之间的利益,以求达到平衡,并提出了具体的解决办法。This paper discuses the copyright problem in the digital age. It analyzes the interests of the writer, bookman and the common. For the balance, it puts forward concrete suggestions.

大学图书馆与书商的合作应吸收国外的先进经验,深入挖掘合作内容的价值。The well-developed experience of foreign countries ought to be sucked up in the cooperation between university library and bookman , and the cooperative substance value should be thoroughly unearthed.