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大脑同样对对称别有嗜好。The brain also has a penchant for symmetry.

目前在国内免疫学界,他是一位颇有影响的海归派专家。In China immune circles, he is quite the penchant to send experts.

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也许贝克汉姆夫妇留意到邱吉尔也很喜欢猪。Perhaps Beckham is heeding Churchill, who had a penchant for pigs.

大多数新兴国家倾向高度多样经营的企业。Most emerging countries have a penchant for highly diversified conglomerates.

在痛苦的回想起来,可以说,多米尼克Cinelli的有犯罪倾向。In painful retrospect, it can be said that Dominic Cinelli had a penchant for crime.

作为海盗和走私者,巴巴喜欢动拳头,是一个令人讨厌的恶棍。A pirate and smuggler, Baba was an obnoxious miscreant with a penchant for fisticuffs.

人觉得工作对于自身存在是一种益处,但是他的热情表明他对罪恶也有爱好。Man sees work as beneficial to his being, but his fervor reveals his penchant for evil.

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影片的明星是“哈比”,一只害羞的埃德里企鹅,喜欢戴红帽子和黄领带。The star of the film is Hubie, a shy Adeli with a penchant for red hats and yellow scarves.

漫画拿普京的柔道爱好和梅德韦杰夫对科技产品的喜爱开起了玩笑。The strip pokes fun at Putin's judo hobby and Medvedev's penchant for technological gadgets.

作为一个画家,他癖好以一本正经的人物入画,表现他们猛然摆脱繁文缛节后的形象。As a painter, he showed a penchant for formal figures suddenly released from all constraints.

如果你对阳物崇拜感兴趣,那么西方大学或许是一个学习的好地方。If you've got a penchant for all things phallic then Occidental College is the place to study.

所以我们的用手偏好,以及语言能力的倾向,可能早早就发生于我们的进化史。So our hand preference, and our penchant for speech, may extend deep into our evolutionary past.

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你对新鲜感的嗜好和对持续刺激的需求常常促使你寻找陌生的性伴侣。Your penchant for variety and need for constant stimulation often finds you the strangest bedfellows.

有个南郭先生听说了国王的这个癖好,就想办法进入了乐队。A man named Nanguo heard about this penchant of the king's, and devised a plan to infiltrate the band.

他那似橡胶我眼神,对狂野和极至的酷爱,令他名声远扬,乐此不疲。His rubbery look, and penchant for wild and extreme behavior has given him a notoriety he delights in.

当然,乔伯斯的保密工作一向做得很好,进行这样的猜测跟白日做梦差不多。Of course, Mr. Jobs's penchant for secrecy means such predictions are often little more than daydreaming.

象美国,中国仍然显示出对美国单边主义可能破坏中国小心翼翼的外交的一个倾向。Like America, China can still display a penchant for unilateralism that undermines all its careful diplomacy.

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虽然他偏爱于蔓延的几何风格,但是奥罗斯特并没有一个特定的风格。Despite a penchant for contagious geometric patterns, Mr Orozco does not have an identifiable signature style.

自由软件基金会对双关语有强烈嗜好,而且我以为,这一个看来好象是相称的。这一名字早在我参与之前就有。The FSF has a penchant for puns, and this one seemed appropriate, I suppose. The name predates my involvement.

自然是剑桥公爵夫人带有明确喜好的上镜率对英国设计师所产生的吸引力。The appeal of the Duchess of Cambridge, a photogenic pin-up with a well-judged penchant for British designers.