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还有一句宗教的And this is a religious one.

但他也唱宗教诗歌But he also sang religious music.

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她放弃了自己的宗教信仰。She disowned her religious belief.

他因对宗教的疑惧而十分烦恼。He was troubled by religious doubt.

他的心情实质上是宗教性的。His mood was essentially religious.

邪教是假借宗教名义。The cults borrow the religious name.

主要是宗教冲突呢?Is it primarily a religious conflict?

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请为汶莱的宗教自由祷告。Pray for religious freedom in Brunei.

他们被宗教热情所驱使。They were animated by religious zeal.

这无法逃遁地是一个宗教信仰任务。This is inescapably a religious task.

那时的俄国文化完全就是宗教文化Russian culture was entirely religious.

这不仅仅是俯视San,Narciso的那个宗教瞬间。And this has this religious sense to it.

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——美国的宗教多元主义Religious Pluralism in the United States

圣福明节也是宗教节日。San fermin is also a religious festival.

爱米莉亚有她自己的宗教信仰。Emilia had her own religious convictions.

宜昌有宗教活动场所吗?。Is there any religious places in Yichang?

但是小组不一定非得是宗教组织。But the group doesn’t have to be religious.

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用宗教信仰来夯实你的意愿。Strengthen your will with religious beliefs.

很少有人有资格说有精神或宗教的信仰。We barely qualify as spiritual or religious.

求你给予我们丰富的圣召。Grant us an abundance of Religious vocations.