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胸骨小呈银杏叶片状,具低的龙骨突。Sternum small and ginkgo leaf-shaped with low keel.

吸气,双手从脚上松开。胸骨上提。Inhale, release your hands from your feet. Lift your sternum.

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胸腔的皮肤扩张远离胸骨。Draw the skin overlying your front ribs away from your sternum.

向天花板的方向提起你的胸骨并向两侧伸展。Lift your sternum toward the ceiling and expand it side to side.

相反,踝关节、腕关节和胸骨注射似乎不那么安全。Conversely, ankle, wrist, and sternum injections appear to be less safe.

吸气并提拉你的胸骨的上部来伸展前侧躯干。Inhale and lift through the top of the sternum to lengthen the front torso.

压你后背的皮肤向胸骨的方向辅助这些动作。Press the skin of your back in toward your sternum to assist these actions.

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大型瓦斯罐由于受到爆震波的压挤破裂倒塌了。Prolonged pressure caused the sternum to snap in half and the ribs to break.

雌鹿的胸部部位上,肋骨民胸骨雕刻得精致传神。On the female's chest, the ribs and the sternum have been beautifully carved.

固定肩胛骨进入背部,移动胸骨向下巴的方向。Firm the shoulder blades against the back, and move the sternum toward the chin.

这些女士知道最快获得一个男人的心的方法是透过他的胸骨。These ladies know that the quickest way to a man's heart is through his sternum.

该药还能延迟大鼠胚胎胸骨与枕骨的骨化。It could also delay the ossification of occipital bone and sternum of the fetuses.

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主要症状为进行性吞咽困难和胸骨后疼痛。The major symptoms of the patients were progressive dysphagia and pain behind sternum.

测量的解剖参数包括身高、坐高、胸骨和胸锁乳突肌的长度。Body height, sitting height, length of sternum and SCMmuscle were measured for reference.

头部放松向前倾,下巴顶着胸骨,头部做圆周运动Release your head forward, chin resting against the sternum. Make circles with your head.

主要症状为进行性吞咽困难和胸骨后疼痛。The major symptoms of the patients were progressive dysphagia and pain behind the sternum.

我的胸骨有些变形而已,最近才刚刚鼓起勇气穿低胸装。My sternum is deformed and I have only recently become confident enough to wear low-cut tops.

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把大腿压向后,并拉长躯干前侧,通过胸骨的上端来上提。Press the thighs back and lengthen the torso forward, lifting through the top of the sternum.

在一条直线中,拉平肩使它变直,越过胸骨,到左边的臀部。Draw it flattened from the shoulder, in a straight line, across the sternum , to the left hip.

目的总结13例胸骨骨折和连枷胸患者的外科治疗经验。Objective To review the surgery experiences in 13 cases with sternum fracture and flail chest.