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什么是同性恋?What is homosexuality?

同性恋肯定是自然的,道德的。Homosexuality is surely both natural and moral.

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也是比较便宜的,因为是通过同性恋传播的。Cheaper also. As it spreads through homosexuality.

中国不再明文禁止监狱服刑人员同性恋。Chinese prisons scrap ban on inmate homosexuality.

从没有公开承认自己的同性恋倾向。He never explicitly acknowledged his homosexuality.

同性恋在中国历史上有很完整的记载。Homosexuality has a well-documented history in China.

许多艺术作品处理同性恋问题。Many artworks deal with the subject of homosexuality.

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也有关于私密的同性恋理论。There are also theories about closeted homosexuality.

能跟我们讲讲你对同性恋的看法吗?So, can you tell us about your opinion on homosexuality?

距离印度将同性恋合法化已经过去了一年。It's been a year since India decriminalised homosexuality.

许多宗教界人士说同性恋是一件令人深恶痛绝的事。Many religious people say homosexuality is an abomination.

在利比亚,同性恋是非法的,要处以牢狱之刑。Homosexuality is illegal, punishable by jail time, in Libya.

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自恋常以镜像之恋、同性之恋等方式表现。Narcissism is often performed as mirror Love, homosexuality.

红头发和雀斑与同性恋有同样的发生率Red hair and freckles has the same occurrence as homosexuality.

我们禁止对于同性恋和恋童癖的宣传。We have a ban on the propaganda of homosexuality and paedophilia.

曾屡传同性恋疑云的他也极力否认。Zeng Lvchuan homosexuality misgivings ' he also vigorously denied.

将同性恋妖魔化的事例在历史上并非绝无仅有。Examples of demonization of homosexuality is not unique in history.

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两年前,同性恋在中国实现了非罪化。Homosexuality had been decriminalised in China only two years before.

大部份人会赞成或不赞成,从道德上谴责同性恋。Most of you will be in favor or not morally scolding of homosexuality.

家庭环境是影响同性恋形成的重要因素。And the family environment effected the formation of the homosexuality.