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我们最好的测量地震风险的办法是地质记录。The best gauge of quake risk is the geologic record.

地质遗迹是地球留给人类的珍贵遗产。Geologic relics are earth's precious heritage to mankind.

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勾划河道的轮廓是地质解译的第一步。Delineation of channels is the first step of geologic evaluation.

大桥水库工程地质条件复杂。Engineering geologic condition at Daqiao reservoir is complicated.

嵩山地质现象具有六大突出特点。The geologic phenomenon in Songshan have six kinds of characteristics.

地质素描图是地质勘探报告中最基本的、数量最多的图件之一。Geologic sketch is one of the most basic maps in the geological report.

西安地裂是一种重大城市环境地质灾害。Xi'an rupture is a type of heavily urban environment geologic disaster.

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地质年代单位、岩石地层单位、年代地层单位。Geologic time unit, rock stratigraphic units and time stratigraphic unit.

后方交会是煤田地质勘探工程测量常用的测量方法之一。The resection method is one of conventional geologic survey in coalfield.

在整个地质时期,它们随着自然地气候循环减小或涨大。Over geologic time, they have ebbed and flowed with natural climate cycles.

地质形迹表明,大多数断层有反复运动。Geologic evidence shows that most faults have had repeated movement on them.

指出该区地质构造是燕山运动的产物。It point out that the geologic structure is the outcome of Yanshan movement.

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Paleoclimate-古气候指的是古代地质时期的气候条件。Paleoclimate The climate conditions of geologic periods in the ancient past.

金矿床几乎形成于所有地质时代,但在不同时期其矿化强度明显有别。The metallizing processes of gold takes place in almost every geologic eras.

这一地质问题给煤矿采选生产带来很大的不利影响。This geologic problem takes very bad effect on the coal mine normal running.

今天的北极冰层比近代地质史上任何时期都少。Less ice covers the Arctic today than at any time in recent geologic history.

这种特殊的地质地埋背景称为“干盐湖”。Such a special geologic and geographic setting is known as a "dry salt lake".

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全断面岩石掘进机施工对地质地层状况非常敏感。A full face rock tunnel boring machine was highly sensitive to geologic situation.

圣多里尼最后爆发的地质学上记录日期是惊人地精确。The geologic record dates the final explosion of Santorini with remarkable accuracy.

他解释说,地质时间尺度很大程度上基于对地层的记录。As he explains, the Geologic Time Scale is largely based on the stratigraphic record.