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而33年后,这位比利时人收到了回信。And 33 years later, the Belgian has had a reply.

此外,英国皇家空军有一个比利时人,叫让。德塞利兹。Also in the RAF was a Belgian named Jean de Selys.

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比利时漫画艺术中心里的女人。Woman inside the Belgian Centre for Comic Strip Art.

对于以前的比利时殖民者来说,卢旺达就是个天堂。To the former Belgian colonizers, Rwanda was a paradise.

该市镇位于法国北部,接近比利时边境。Amand-les-Eaux, in northern France near the Belgian border.

来自比利时的杨侯德,在中国做录音师,他说音乐就是他的生命……Yan Haunters, a Belgian working as a sound engineer in China.

在这座东部比利时监狱的其他罪犯,都在转头探望。The other convicts in this eastern Belgian prison turn to look.

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八种硬币由比利时艺术家鲁克·鲁伊克斯设计。There are eight coins designed by the Belgian artist Luc Luycx.

一个比利时人在自动售货机上投了一个硬币,一罐可口可乐掉了下来。A Belgian puts a coin in a vending machine and gets a Coca-Cola.

马斯特里希特荷兰东南端一城市,靠近比利时边界。A city of extreme southeast Netherlands near the Belgian border.

北京为时一天的会议,在比利时啤酒醇美酣甜的香味中圆满结束。The fairs lasted one day and ended up with Belgian beer meeting.

当地的商店已经开始出售法国棍式面包和比利时啤酒。The local store has started selling baguettes and Belgian beers.

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法国左后卫克里希对这个比利时人印象极其深刻。French left-back Clichy has been hugely impressed by the Belgian.

在2010-11赛季,他被租借到比甲的根克队效力一年。He spent part of the 2010-11 season on loan at Belgian side Genk.

结果报业胜诉,且今年5月比利时上诉法院依旧维持原判。They won, and a Belgian appeals court upheld their victory in May.

这家曾经在比利时风光无限的剧院于1980年代落下大幕。The curtain fell on this once thriving Belgian cinema in the 1980s.

原来他把信送到比利时领事馆去了,而这时收发室也关了。He has taken them to the Belgian Consulate, and the mail has closed.

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原生型比牧是一种体型中等,通用型的农牧用犬。The original Belgian was a mid-sized, all purpose, generic farm dog.

奥尔西尼的婚纱由比利时设计师杰拉德·瓦特雷设计。Ms Orsini's dress was designed by Gerald Watelet, the Belgian designer.

浅粉象啤酒是世界第一啤酒,是一种比利时淡啤酒。Delirium tremens is no. one beer in the world which is a belgian lager beer.