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做MMX寄存器总是在现代处理器的存在吗?Do the MMX registers always exist in modern processors?

操作数可以是一个MMX技术注册或一个内存地址。The operand is either an MMX technology register or a memory address.

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进而给出了基于MMX技术的有序排列检索算法。Then, an algorithm with regular array based on MMX technology is advanced.

提出了基于MMX技术的优化方法,并对这两个模块进行了重点优化。By making full advantage of MMX technology, most optimization efforts are emphasized on these two modules.

随着个人多媒体计算机性能的飞速提高,人们逐渐开始利用个人计算机进行数字音频的实时处理。With the rapid improvement of the MMX PC performance, people have gradually used PC in digital audio real time processing.

我们进行了双盲多中心研究,比较MMX美沙拉嗪与安慰剂对活动期溃疡性结肠炎的治疗作用。We performed a double-blind, multicenter study, comparing MMX mesalamine vs placebo for the treatment of active ulcerative colitis.

具体实现工作中对算法的关键部分用MMX汇编指令进行了优化,从而在整体上优化了系统性能。During implementation, MMX assemble commands are used to optimize the key parts of the algorithm which can also improve the system performance.

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本文详细地介绍了英特尔推出的MMX技术,并举例说明了MMX指令在视频编码中的具体应用。In this paper, Intel "s MMX technology will be introduced in detail and will illustrate the application of MMX technology in video coding domain."

针对指纹识别中计算最复杂、最关键的匹配部分,本文给出了一种基于MMX技术的检索与匹配算法实现并行实时匹配。In the most complex and most pivotal matching stage, new matching algorithms based on MMX technology are presented for parallel and real-time matching.

同时,结合计算机并行处理技术,利用MMX指令和SSE指令,对整个跟踪算法进行了并行性优化。At the same time, integrating with computer parallel processing technology, the overall tracking algorithms are optimized by means of MMX and SSE instructions.

实验结果证明,经算法改进和MMX技术优化的新钻石搜索法远胜于三步搜索法,大大提高了程序运行的效率,使系统达到了软件实时编解码的需要。Experiments results demonstrate that the application on the new diamond search algorithm optimized by MMX has magnificently improved the efficiency of compression ratio and computing speed.

Wagner表示,他希望英美资源能为其在巴西的大型MMX铁矿石项目找到合作夥伴.而熟悉内情人士也在上周对路透说,英美资源正有同样打算.Wagner said he hopes Anglo will find a partner for its big MMX iron ore project in Brazil. Anglo has been considering such a plan, sources familiar with the situation told Reuters last week.