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一架钢琴,一个笔记本。A piano. A notepad.

准备好笔和记事本。Get a pen and a notepad.

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一架钢琴,一个笔记本。A piano. A notepad. What else?

记事本也能管理文件?Notepad can also manage files?

在记事本窗口中打开该文件。Open the file in a Notepad window.

我目前最喜欢的就是AK记事本。My favorite, by far, is AK Notepad.

随手带着一个类似记事本的玩意儿。Bring a notepad of something with you.

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小李说不用,用记事本就能完成这件事。Xiao li said no, can finish it in notepad.

在你笔记本上写下你应该怎么选Write down on your notepad what you should do.

我在会议期间在笔记本上信手涂鸦了几笔。I did some crude doodles in my notepad during a meeting.

他不能说话时,要了一个笔记本。Intubated, when he couldn’t talk, he asked for a notepad.

这个软件在安装时候显示为“笔记本”,还有一个笔记本样的图标。It’s installed as a “Simple Notepad” with a notepad icon.

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您可以使用记事本来编辑中文资源属性文件。You can use Notepad for the Chinese resource properties file.

你可以在日记本上、博客上或记事本上写。Write in your journal, write on you blog, write on your notepad.

它的功能如此强大,可作为记事本或写字板的选择之一。It is feature rich to use as an alternative to Notepad or Wordpad.

办公室每天都会用到打字纸、小贴纸和信封。Typing paper, notepad paper, and envelopes are used daily in offices.

床边放一个小记事本,一盏柔和的夜明灯和一支笔。Keep a notepad at your bedside along with a gentle night-light and pen.

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如果你们没有拿到我发的纸,就写在你们的笔记本上If you haven't got a sheet in front of you, just write it on your notepad.

广为人知的NOTEPAD.EXE程序就是专门针对ASCII文本文件的编辑器。The well-known NOTEPAD.EXE program is an editor for plain ASCII text files.

请问如何将IE中右键的“查看源文件”由NOTEPAD改为我自己的一个程序打开呢?So how right-IE "View Source" from the NOTEPAD to a program to open my own it?