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该轮到我背书了。It's my turn to recite.

谁会背诵课文?Who can recite the text?

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今天我背单词了吗?Did I recite words today?

熟读课文并试着背诵。Read and recite the text.

听读并背诵课文。Read the story and recite.

他将要朗诵一首诗。He is going to recite a poem.

让我来叙述一些实例。Let me recite a few examples.

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他把那首诗念得琅琅上口。He can recite the poem fluently.

目前能默背过吗?Can eager recite trapm practical?

背默关于天气的一些词。Recite the new words about weather.

他能凭记忆背诵那一首诗。He can recite that poem from memory.

这样,请再专门为她诵一次经。So please recite sutras just for her.

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我把唐诗背得滚瓜烂熟。I can recite many Tang poems by heart.

背诵课文第一自然段。Recite the first paragraph of the text.

晚上睡前把今天学的课文读到会背。Recite the learned contents before bed.

晚上睡前把今天学的课文读到会背。Recite the learned contests before bed.

念你的优势回到自己。Recite your strengths back to yourself.

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学生们停下其他事,继续背诵课文。The students went on to recite the text.

你在哪里学习的这样诵读?Where did you learn to recite like that?

你知道人们在什麽时候默念真经?Do you know when people recite the Sutra?