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我的梦想是当一名配音员。My dream is to be a dubbing.

他进入了配音间。He entered into the dubbing room.

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首先遭诟病的是配音。First what suffers denounced is dubbing.

是的,我知道,配音的东西会让人有厌烦感,但时间一长你就习惯了。Yes I know, dubbing is horrible, but you get used to it after a while.

一些共和党人给马格里伽缇起绰号叫民主党的杰克阿布拉姆夫。Some Republicans are dubbing Mr. Magliocchetti the Democrats’ Jack Abramoff.

配音翻译是中国目前引进的外片采用的主要翻译形式。In China dubbing is the standard method adopted in translating imported films.

极具声画质的后期编辑、包装、配音、配乐等合成技术处理。Synthetic technique deals on postproduction, package, dubbing in voice and background music.

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我也会看英文电影,不过是在看过中文配音之后。Also I would watch English films sometimes, only after watching the one with Chinese dubbing.

有线电视新闻网在上一周刚刚把我“封为”政治大输家,这一周却把我评为政治赢家。CNN named me the political winner of the week, after dubbing me its big loser just the week before.

为企业广告片和宣传片选定配音员,提供了方便。It also offers conveniences for enterprises to choose dubbing staff for promos and promotion video.

上个世纪八十年代,里根总统采用了反苏核战激光防御提案,并把它命名为“战略防御计划”。President Ronald Reagan embraced the idea in the 1980s, dubbing it the Strategic Defense Initiative.

如果有兴趣加盟动画片配音项目的剧本撰写组,那不妨继续往下看。Are you interested in joining the writing team for an anime dubbing project? Read on to find out how.

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有时候,配音项目组也会提供日文剧本的英文译本。More often than not, dubbing houses also provide English translations of the original Japanese scripts.

最初的时候,为灵兽潘特莱蒙配音的是亚当·戈德利,后来他被弗莱迪·海默取代。The first time, the dubbing is Lingshoubotelaimeng Adam Godley, and was later replaced by Fulaidihaimo.

上海电影译制厂成立于1957年,是新中国第一家译制外国影视片的专业电影厂。Shanghai Dubbing Studio, which was established in1957, is the first professional dubbing studio in China.

而且尽管史蒂夫•乔布斯对7英寸平板电脑不屑一顾,称其为“见光死”,但事实上银河平板电脑却在大卖特卖。And despite Steve Jobs dubbing 7-inch tablets "dead on arrival, " reports of Galaxy Tab sales say otherwise.

互联网的发展给配音员资源的广泛使用带来便利。Development of the Internet brings about lots of conveniences for dubbing staff to widely use the resources.

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这些文献材料证明,作为名词的“分”字之义在于“职分”和“名分”。These documents material to prove, as the term "divide" the meaning of the word is "a position" and "dubbing.

“歌曲译配”与“歌曲翻译”是一对易混的词,目前学界对其内涵与外延尚缺乏严格界定与辨析。The denotation and connotation of song dubbing and song translation are not defined clearly in translation circle.

心理学家T.F.斯托克斯和贝尔博士把练习普遍化是维持新行为的关键。Dubbing this "generalization," psychologists T.F. Stokes and D.M. Baer found it critical in maintaining new behaviors.