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没有血。No blood.

为什么吸血鬼嗜血?Why blood?

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血缘是纽带。Blood does bond.

血液凝固了。Blood is curdle.

他嗅到了猎物。He smells blood.

心主血。Heart main blood.

狼兄,这是学不会的。It is in the blood.

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什么是血雨?What is blood rain?

您得血将是偶得。Your blood is mine.

他验过血了。He had a blood test.

空气能使血液凝结。Air coagulates blood.

安德妮娅的血液凝固了。Andrea's blood froze.

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我的血液在沸腾。My blood was boiling.

血流加速Your blood is racing.

血债要用血来还。Blood will have blood.

好血,坏血。Good blood, bad blood.

血把她的头发粘在一起。Blood clotted her hair.

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他的脸上满是血。Blood covered his face.

血液在体内循环。Blood flows round body.

食物和一点血。Food with little blood.