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现在你认为这么说很可笑,这些基因可能既不美,也不高智能。Now you think that is facetious.

你知道吗?那个爱乱开玩笑的青年是玛丽的丈夫。Do you know that facetious young man is Mary's husband ?

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我对这个小男孩过分的玩笑变得发火了。I became angry with the little boy at his facetious remarks.

他习惯于用这种自信和幽默的口吻与卡尔调侃。He was used to speak to Carl in a confident and facetious tone.

我知道这听起来很滑稽但是压力的确是由心而生。I know that sounds a little facetious but stress is of the mind.

诙谐幽默的故事结构,紧张的气氛是影片的特点。His facetious story structure, the tension is characteristic of film.

失去意义,向西走,别开玩笑或你不会得到最好的。Loses meaning, going west, don't get facetious or you don't get the best.

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他的画大多具有极强的讽刺意味,幽默感极强,估计警察看后都会忍俊不禁。His arts were ironical and so facetious that the policemen maybe can not help laughing at them.

我期望在这虚拟旳世界觅到─位开朗,健谈,幽默并且真诚旳好友。I am looking forward an optimistic , talkative , facetious and sincere friend in the hyper -world.

不过我倒是挺喜欢那个关于书里有“来自布里斯托尔的爱吃腌牛肉的水濑”的搞笑猜测。I greatly enjoyed the facetious speculation about the corned beef-loving otters from Bristol, though.

幽默风趣的语言,能体现教师的睿智,可以使课堂充满情趣。The facetious and salt words can show teachers ' sagaciousness and can make the class full of the sentiment.

对于在美国的白皮肤多数人种中作一次跨行星的旅行,我的唯一恳求与那位幽默家的滑稽说法一样。My only plea for a planet-ride among the white-skinned majority of this New World is the same facetious argument.

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好吧,或许我们不像我所说的那样懒散,或许我对自己从没经历过的事情进行怀旧有那么一点滑稽可笑。Okay, so maybe we’re not as lazy I claim, and perhaps my nostalgia for a time I never lived is a little facetious.

他幽默的演讲使会场的气氛活跃起来,与会人员不时地爆发出笑声。参加。The facetious speech from him make the atmosphere up, and everyone who entered into the meeting bursting into laughing.

玛提的身边围着一圈嘻嘻哈哈的年轻人,她头上戴着一顶阔边的帽子,漂亮得像一颗乌莓,正在一堆野火上煮咖啡。Mattie, encircled by facetious youths, and Bright as a blackberry under her spreading hat, was brewing coffee over a gipsy fire.

现在你认为这么说很可笑,这些基因可能既不美,也不高智能。但却可能是有进化优势的基因。Now you think that is facetious. It may not be beauty and intelligence but it may be something else that has an evolutionary advantage.

对于在美国的白皮肤多数人种中作一次跨行星的旅行,我的唯一恳求与那位幽默家的滑稽说法一样。And so he travelled free. My only plea for a planet-ride among the white-skinned majority of this New World is the same facetious argument.

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老刘离婚后就一直一个人居住在一个单间中,天性幽默诙谐使他和周围的邻居处的很好。Old Liu, he was always living in a single room after he divorced, and the facetious humoristic nature of him made a good relationship with his neighbors.

“当然,我马上就来。”小伙子给了同伴一个微笑,“冠军是不会介意指导初学者的。”他习惯于用这种自信和幽默的口吻与卡尔调侃。"Of course, wait a moment. " Claud smiled, "The champion would not mind coaching the beginner. " He was used to speak to Carl in a confident and facetious tone.

因此,现在和斯蒂芬打招呼的这位年纪还较轻却放荡不羁的人,就被某些好事之徒戏称作约翰·科利勋爵。This therefore was the reason why the still comparatively young though dissolute man who now addressed Stephen was spoken of by some with facetious proclivities as Lord John Corley.