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霏欧纳说,“这些都是很流行的款式。”Fiona said. “Very fashionable.”

这么说却不太合潮流。It is not fashionable to say so.

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这个时装展很时尚。The fashion show is fashionable.

所有的时尚达人都这么做。All the fashionable women are doing it.

男人应该有品位,但不应赶时髦。Men should be stylish, not fashionable.

我们在一家上等的饭店吃午餐。We lunched in a fashionable restaurant.

他是时尚帅气的“潮男歌手”!He is a handsome and fashionable singer!

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那位女士正在试戴一顶时髦的帽子。The lady is trying on a fashionable hat.

裤脚留卷边又时兴起来了。Turn-ups are becoming fashionable again.

肺结核病曾经一度广泛流行。Tuberculosis was once terribly fashionable.

时尚阿好坊,饰界因你而精彩!Fashionable bound, decoration, good for you!

当管道工或许不时尚,但云计算的确时尚。Plumbing isn't fashionable. But the cloud is.

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但它已经变成了一个非常时尚的地区。But it has become a very fashionable district.

但它也是城镇的一个时尚区域。But it's also a very fashionable part of town.

昨天我们去了一场时装表演。We went to the fashionable dree show yesterday.

如何畅享主流精英阶层时尚生活?How to enjoy the fashionable life of the elites?

我们主要的产品是时尚女装鞋。Our main products are fashionable ladies' shoes.

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品种多样,款式新颖,货优价低。Variety, fashionable goods at higher prices low.

人们在时髦的娱乐舞厅里跳这种舞蹈。It was performed in fashionable Casino ballrooms.

六月六最时兴吃“裹卷”。Jun 6 to eat the most fashionable "wrapped roll."