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这个城市有它的高雅之处,也有它贫穷的另一面。The city has it philharmonic but also it poverty.

国家爱乐乐团,1971年录制,伦敦。National Philharmonic Orchestra, Recorded September 9, 1971, London.

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这首钢琴协奏曲是由中央乐团演出的。The piano concerto was performed by the Central Philharmonic Orchestra.

在世界其他地方,纽约爱乐乐团在北朝鲜演出。Elsewhere in the world, the New York Philharmonic played in North Korea.

他在伦敦曾与BBC交响乐团和英国皇家歌剧院合作。He worked with the BBC Philharmonic and the Royal Opera House in London.

此外她还经常参加格兰兹的纽约爱乐乐团的演出。And she was a regular participant of Granz's famous Jazz at the Philharmonic.

大提琴,快板,海顿,演奏,马友友,黄大德。Yo-yo Ma plays Haydn with HK Philharmonic and its music director Samuel Wong.

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我心里想的是“活用村爱乐管弦乐团”之类的。I had in mind something along the lines of the Liveville Philharmonic Orchestra.

今年冬天中国爱乐乐团将举办十二场系列音乐会。China Philharmonic Orchestra is putting on a series of twelve concerts in winter.

本场音乐会将由青年指挥张亮执棒,上海爱乐乐团倾情呈现。Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra will perform under the conduction of Zhang Liang.

维也纳爱乐乐团已经表明其致力于卫生事业的决心。The Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra has already demonstrated its dedication to health.

杭州爱乐乐团的第一个音乐季,获得了中国音乐界的广泛关注和好评。The first season of Hangzhou Philharmonic Orchestra has won much approval and praise.

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在纽约,她在交响乐团的伴奏下演唱,这次音乐会取得了巨大的成功。She sang in New York with the Philharmonic Orchestra. This concert was a huge success.

2004年,他随巴塞尔交响乐团在中国进行巡演。In2004 he performed with the basle philharmonic orchestra during a concert tour in china.

例如,在整张专辑中一直是皇家交响乐团在为这些女孩子们伴奏。Throughout the album, for example, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra accompanies the girls.

我愿感谢维也纳爱乐乐团今天上午成为我们的亲善大使。I would like to thank the Vienna Philharmonic for becoming our goodwill ambassador this morning.

那么我们现在在乌尔西大厅来欣赏新天堂交响乐,纽黑文交响乐园或其他的,纽约爱乐乐团。So we are sitting there in Woolsey Hall with New Haven Symphony or whatever,New York Philharmonic.

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纽约爱乐乐团是访问北韩这个孤立国家的最有声望的美国文化团体。The Philharmonic is the most prominent American cultural institution to visit the isolated country.

克莱普顿发行了一个这首歌曲的现场版本,这个版本是和伦敦国家爱乐乐团在1991年录制的。Clapton released a live version in 1991 recorded in London with the National Philharmonic Orchestra.

随着人们对她独奏演出的需求日益增加,一年后她离开了柏林爱乐乐团。As her solo activities became more and more in demand, she left the Berlin Philharmonic one year later.