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泡了太多的漂白粉。That ate too much teal ?

正式主题以凫蓝圆显示The formal subjects as teal circles

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例如,颜色可以是浅绿,深清,或者绿色。For example, the color may be aqua, teal , or green.

海天都呈现出经过砂石磨砺后的海玻璃那种带有几分朦胧感的青绿色。Water and sky were both the hazy teal of sand-etched sea glass.

今天我想讲讲,我在这儿参与的TEAL项目。I'd like to describe the TEAL program that I'm involved in here.

你现实的为人处世之道使你成为一个可靠和积极进取的人。Your realistic approach makes you reliable and a teal go-getter.

报纸由小凫不动产业的简短概观开始。The paper begins with a brief overview of the teal estate industry.

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我吓了一跳迅速往天空看,看到一枚蓝绿色的光球缓慢的划过。I was shocked and saw the sky quickly, there was a teal fireball past slowly.

我吓了一跳迅速往天空看,看到一枚蓝绿色的光球缓慢的划过。I was shocked and saw the sky quickly, and there was a teal fireball past slowly.

又或者,如果你不喜欢深青色,你深深感到需要证实你有能力、有资格胜任一切事情。Or, if your least favorite is teal , you feel a deep need to prove you are competent.

船舱的另一边,妮雅和贝拉询问缇尔究竟为何回到洞中。In another part of the bay, Gnea and Bela were asking Teal why she had gone back to the cave.

修正了红色和青色的出生点离金矿的距离比其他颜色远的错误。Fixed Red and Teal start location to be closer to the goldmines like the other start locations.

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剑桥公爵夫人为此选了带镂空细节设计的中长款蓝绿色连衣裙。The Duchess of Cambridge opted for a mid-length teal dress with cut-out detailing for her lunch.

画作中的阴影带著丰郁的紫蓝色调,淡绿色的天空融入鲜明的蓝绿色。His shadows are full of purples and blues, the sky transitions from a light green to a bold teal.

芭比娃娃穿着漂亮的金边镶嵌的纱丽,粉红色的披肩,戴着异域风情的珠宝。Diwali Barbie doll wears a teal sari with golden detailing, a pink shawl wrap, and exotic jewelry.

深,明亮的湖水绿色带金和铜的光芒。湿用时可能暂时染色。Deep, slightly smokey teal green with gold and copper shimmer. May stain temporarily when used wet.

喜马拉雅深青色碧玺开采于喜马拉雅山脉的高海拔地区。Himalayan "Teal" Tourmaline has been hand mined at high elevations in the Himalayan Mountain range.

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凫蓝色小球由硝酸钡混合制成,红色小球则由锶盐混合制成。The teal stars are made of a barium nitrate mixture and the red stars are a blend of strontium salts.

修正了红色和青色的出生点离金矿的距离比其他颜色远的错误。Typhoon Fixed Red and Teal start location to be closer to the goldmines like the other start locations.

当时詹尼佛已有四个月的身孕,穿了一件有蓝绿色腰带的维拉·王宽腰婚纱。Four-months pregnant at the time, Jennifer wore a Vera Wang empire waist wedding dress with a teal sash.