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Pereira说这是一个可以普遍应用的研究结果。Pereira said he believed the findings would apply elsewhere.

本文的要旨即在于梳理这部分有关徐日升的中文文献。The aim of this paper is to sort out these records regarding Tomás Pereira.

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马克教授分析这是因为吃早饭的孩子能够更好的控制一天的饮食,保持良好的胃口。Pereira theorized that breakfast eaters may control their appetite better throughout the day.

周二,在一家拥挤的食品摊位前,黛西·佩雷拉正为挑选哪只南瓜而犹豫不决。Desiree Pereira couldn't decide among the squash she was squeezing at a food stall here on Tuesday.

利物浦再一次将目光移向德国左后卫---汉堡队的马塞尔·简森,以及波尔图的阿尔瓦罗·佩雷拉。Liverpool are again looking at Germany left back Marcell Jansen of Hamburg and Porto's Alvaro Pereira.

在科伦坡的一个大批发市场,斯里兰卡工人西蒙-佩雷拉正在回手机电话。Sri Lankan laborer Simon Pereira answers his mobile phone in Colombo's main wholesale market on Monday.

佩雷拉。伊格纳西奥通过了这个指标---他和他的父亲拥有数百万美元的纺织品和固定资产。Pereira Ignacio passed on that count—his father and he had already made millions in textiles and concrete.

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不过,当问及胡戈·查韦斯总统治下的委内瑞拉经济形势时,佩雷拉女士的话却斩钉截铁。Ms. Pereira expressed no uncertainty, however, when asked about the Venezuelan economy under President Hugo Chávez.

夏天结束后,我和六个外科医生到哥伦比亚佩雷拉儿童康复中心去执行医疗任务。At summer's end, I accompanied six orthopedic surgeons on a mission with Healing the Children to Pereira , Colombia.

安德里亚斯·佩雷拉就是其中之一,虽然他最近才被俱乐部签下,当然他也渴望有一天自己的名字能出现在那份他所梦寐以求的曼联球星的名单上。Andreas Pereira has just recently signed and certainly hopes he will one day find himself on the coveted list of United stars.

据意大利媒体报道尤文图斯很可能以租借一年的方式引进巴西克鲁塞罗后卫格拉斯通。Juventus are close to signing Cruzeiro's Gladstone Pereira Della Valentino on a one-year loan, according to the Italian press.

公司的专家们帮助佩雷拉。伊格纳西奥选择一个理想的地点,并就灌装厂的布局给他详细的建议。Company field men helped Pereira Ignacio pick a desirable site and gave him detailed layout suggestions for the kind of bottling plant he would need.

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马克教授还说,“有趣的是我们发现每天吃早饭的孩子,总体来说,饮食习惯相对更好,而且也更加活跃。”“It’s interesting to note that the kids who eat breakfast on a daily basis overall have a much better diet and are more physically active, ” said Mark Pereira.

Pereira称,全球大宗商品价格上涨已经推升食品价格,助推通胀率上升,而大量涌入巴西的资金使通胀速度更快.Pereira said the money being pumped into Brazil was accelerating inflation that has already risen in part because a global commodity boom has boosted food prices.

佩雷拉博士称,“软饮料里含糖量较高可能增加人体内的胰岛素,我们认为这促进了胰腺癌细胞的生长。”"The high levels of sugar in soft drinks may be increasing the level of insulin in the body, which we think contributes to pancreatic cancer cell growth, " said Dr Pereira.

哥伦比亚佩雷拉市的黑帮暴力活动十分猖獗。目前,为了抵制犯罪和暴力活动,该市黑帮成员的妻子和女友们发起了一项“性罢工”运动,目的是劝说她们的丈夫或男友放下手中的武器。Fretting over crime and violence, girlfriends and wives of gang members in the Colombian city of Pereira have called a ban on sex to persuade their menfolk to give up the gun.

顾博致力于在商法领域为客户提供全面的专业服务,并将促进客户的发展、保护客户的利益作为其追求的最终目标。Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira provides legal advice on all areas of business law, and stands out for its commitment to helping companies develop their activities and defend their interests.

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乌拉圭后卫马克西米利亚诺佩雷拉反应的行动在2010年世界杯四分之一决赛乌拉圭2010年7月2日主场迎战加纳在足球城在索韦托,约翰内斯堡郊区的体育场。Uruguay's defender Maximiliano Pereira reacts to the action during the 2010 World Cup quarter-final match Uruguay vs. Ghana on July 2, 2010 at Soccer City stadium in Soweto, suburban Johannesburg.