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求列表极小值的算法具有广泛的应用。The Quant um algorithm for finding minim um has widely application.

阿奎特将通过巨魔吨和数据吨,模式来看A quant will troll through tons and tons of data, looking for patterns

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玛丽奎恩特重写规则的妇女时装永远与她大胆的设计。Mary Quant rewrote the fashion rules for women forever with her daring design.

在流行媒体上我反复读到关于定量模型是多么需要改进的文章。In the popular press I keep reading about how quant models need to be improved.

随着她的丈夫,特开辟了一个小商店,集市,对卡纳比街的伦敦。Along with her husband, Quant opened up a small shop, Bazaar, on Carnaby Street of London.

本发明涉及一种拖轮舵浆装置润滑油水分测试仪。This invention relates to lubricating oil water content tester of towboat rudder quant device.

计量金融课程一定要始于对“为什么金融模型有用或者有害,如何使金融模型变得有用或者有害”的关注。Quant finance programmes must start focusing on why and how financial modelling can be useless and dangerous.

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一个典型的学习小组中可能会包括一名股市分析高手、一名工程师、一名营销主管、一名医疗保健主管和一名生产经理。A typical group might include a quant jock, an engineer, a marketing executive, a health care director and a manufacturing manager.

雪下的很大,任何一个在棉花种植园的人都希望穿上玛丽·匡特品牌的塑料雨衣和雨鞋。It was snowing vigorously, and anyone in a calico prairie dress might have wished for the plastic mackintoshes and vinyl boots of Mary Quant.

在Elecsys定量检测乙肝表面抗原二是针对世界卫生组织第二个乙肝表面抗原,乙肝表面抗原值保证了可靠的国际标准规范。The Elecsys HBsAg II quant assay is standardized against the WHO Second International Standard for HBsAg, ensuring the reliability of HBsAg values.

但提醒称,“大家应带有保留地看待预测”,这是“用通俗的解释分析法,让分析框架浅显化”的一次尝试。However, they warned "this report should be taken with a pinch of salt" and that it is an exercise to "lightheartedly explain quantitative techniques and demystify the typical quant framework.

但他们同时提醒称,“大家应带有保留地看待这一预测”,这是“用通俗的方式解释数量分析法,让数量分析框架浅显化”的一次尝试。However, they warned "this report should be taken with a pinch of salt" and that it is an exercise to "light-heartedly explain quantitative techniques and demystify the typical quant framework.

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定量模型交易已有几十年的历史了。最近十年来,因为科技的创新才让这些每天作大量交易的定量策略有了飞跃性的发展。Quant strategies have been around for decades, but in recent years they have really come into their own, thanks in part to technology that has lowered the costs of their trading-intensive methods.