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我们编辑整理各大高校活动相关稿件。We redact and pack up the contributions from kinds of universities.

只要通过简单地移动鼠标,就可以修订一个单词。You can redact a word simply by selecting it with your mouse cursor.

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能够在职业中有所变化以获得更高的收入。You can make profession changes that may place you in a much higher earning redact.

还可以通过使用鼠标高亮显示来修订整段、整个图像、整幅页面。You can also redact entire paragraphs, images, and pages by highlighting them with your mouse cursor.

批处理存储库用于通过可配置数量的线程一次编校许多文档。A batch repository is designed to redact many documents at one time by a configurable number of threads.

与批处理存储库不同,按需存储库不会自动开始编校输入文档。Unlike the batch repository, the on-demand repository does not start to redact the input document automatically.

若双方均不就此要求商业信息保密,法官判决的依据将向公众公布。The judge’s reasons will be released to the public after both sides have a chance to redact confidential business information.

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此产品包括基于浏览器的应用程序,它们具有直观的界面,允许您编校文档或查看编校的文档。This product includes browser-based applications with intuitive interfaces that lets you redact documents or view the redacted documents.

主治医生可以指定接受者的角色,以屏蔽相关单词,也可以为每位接受者准备不同版本的文档。The primary physician can specify the role of the recipient to redact appropriate words, and prepare a different version of the document that suits each recipient.

他说,如果有国防部的官员设法对这些机密文件进行了审查与编辑,那他们也同样犯下了泄漏机密文件的罪行。If Defense Department officials participated in trying to sanitize or redact these documents, he said, they still would be guilty of releasing classified documents.

例如,您可以根据需要在某一时间修订一篇文档,或者某个公司有大量存档文件,就可以用批处理修订。For example, you can redact one document at a time as needed, or if a company already has a large number of archival documents, they can be redacted using batch processing.

阿桑格今天表示在发布报告之前,他们已经尽力遵守与白宫之间的一项私下协定,再公布线人的名单前对其进行修改以保护线人,但是美国当局拒绝对他们给予帮助。Assange said today that they had tried to comply with a private White House request to redact the names of informants before publication. But the US authorities had refused to assist them.

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在参考国内外有关研究成果的基础上,根据我国九年义务教育化学课程标准、课程内容及教学实际情况,编制了初三学生环境教育调查问卷。Then refer to the research on this area both inside and outside, we redact a questionnaire on the basis of the curriculum standard, curriculum content and the information of teaching and learning.