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目的探讨儿童突眼的CT表现特点。Objective To explore the CT findings of proptosis in children.

手术引流治疗,视力和上眼睑下垂很快改善。Surgical drainage resulted in dramatic improvement of proptosis and vision.

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它能影响视力及造成渐进性的眼球外凸。It may present with disturbance of visual acuity, and progressive proptosis.

主要症状表现为视力下降、突眼和额眶部隆起。The most common symptoms were decreased vision, proptosis and facial asymmetry.

患者2周前开始眼突,伴溢泪、眼红、易激怒。The patient first noted the proptosis as well as epiphora, redness, and irritation 2 weeks prior.

均有不同程度的视力下降、眼球突出、眼球运动障碍及眶压升高。All cases showed impaired vision, proptosis ocular movement disorder and higher intraorbital pressure.

时尚装修背景墙,用色彩装出你的个性。The fashion repairs a background brattishing and embark a proptosis with the hue you of individualism.

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不信到复活节你看,他准能下出带色的彩蛋。Don't believe the Easter you look, he is quasi and can descend colourful egg of the proptosis band color.

一位41岁女性病人,因车祸引起复视,右眼球突出并自觉性离音。A 41 year-old female suffered from right eye proptosis with spontaneous, subjective bruit noise after car accident.

眼球突出是一种导致眼球受到压迫从眼睑内脱离的疾病。Eye proptosis is a condition resulting in forward displacement and entrapment of the eye from behind by the eyelids.

执法人员当场搜出了非法生产经营以来的运货单据。The law enforcement officer searched a proptosis there and then illegal line operation of movement of goods document.

专家提醒,旅客最好提前购票,理智避峰出行。Specialist reminds that the passenger had better purchase the ticket in advance, rational avoid a peak proptosis of row.

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其临床表现均为缓慢进行性的单侧眼球突出,以及眼球运动障碍。The common findings of these two patients are unilateral proptosis , limitation of ocular movement and slow progressive course.

我们报告一个八岁大的小女孩,主诉为左眼突出,眼睑肿胀,眼皮下垂,视力减退有四个月之久。We reported a 8-year-old girl presented with left proptosis , red eye, eyelid swelling, blepharoptosis, and decreased vision for 4 weeks.

出行前,应了解天气变化情况,可拨打122询问道路封路情况。Seven, before proptosis go, should realize the weather variance condition, can stir to tie 122 interrogation the road seal a road condition.

结果外伤性眶内血肿引起视力下降、眼眶压增高、眼球突出、复视及眼部运动神经损害。Results Traumatic orbital hematoma resulted in vision decrease, orbital pressure increase, proptosis , diplopia and injuries of ocular motor nerve.

面对蜂拥而至的出站旅客,分头赶紧凑近,放肆招揽,好生热闹。The proptosis faced to upsurge station passenger, the bat batch head hurriedly presses near, wantons acquisition and likes to living jollification.

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粘液囊肿也可以累及眼眶,导致突眼及眼球移位,眼眶受累也可以影响到动眼神经的分支。Mucoceles can also involve the orbital cavity, resulting in proptosis and displacement of the globe. Orbital involvement may also affect branches of cranial nerve III.

另外还可合并有眼球突出以及因消化器官功能受损、体内废弃物排出困难导致的肠满,这时鱼会变得更为膨大。It may also be combined with proptosis as a result of impaired digestive organs the body of waste discharge problems causing bowel is full then the fish will become even more swollen.