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我的狗的毛是红棕色的。My dog's hair is reddish brown.

这块玉是赭石色的。This jade is reddish brown in colour.

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在一些角落里看到微红的反光。One beholds reddish reflections in the corners.

植株10-40厘米高,颜色由绿变红。Plants 10 – 40 cm tall, green becoming reddish.

橱柜的颜色应该是浅红棕色的。The color of the cabinet will be reddish brown.

它们红茶色的鹿,有美丽的斑点。They were reddish brown and had beautiful spots.

那个红褐色头发的男孩是谁?Which one is the boy with the reddish brown hair?

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本品呈樱桃红,折射紫色,晶莹剔透。Black cherry reddish colour with purplish reflections.

渔夫希望自己可以吃完这盘绯红色的鱼。The fisherman wishes to finish the dish of reddish fish.

渔夫但愿做完那盘略带红色的鱼。the fisherman wishes to finish the dish of reddish fish.

渔夫希望做完那盘略带红色的鱼。The fisherman wishes to finish the dish of reddish fish.

欧洲野牛的毛色是棕色的,但小牛犊的毛色略带红色。Aurochs` hair is brown, but young calves have reddish hair.

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红色的树液一点点渗出来,宛如鲜血。Driblets of reddish sap were forming, very much like blood.

看到它们煮熟的芍红的身体,的确吸引食欲。With it's cooked reddish shell, it does look very tempting.

完全炒熟的栗子会呈现出深棕色。The husk of thoroughly cooked chestnuts turns reddish brown.

用指尖挖出一颗颗镶嵌在红色胞衣中的泡囊。And scratched out the barnacled vesicles in the reddish pulp.

当夜幕降临时,你会注意到那颗淡红色的大角星。With dark shies you will notice the reddish color of Arcturus.

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试着与淡红色的火星比较一下明亮度和颜色。Try comparing its brightness and color to that of reddish Mars.

它长着一张奇丑无比的脸,是红彤彤的棕色。"Its face was hideous, and was ruddy reddish brown in colour."The

豆荚完整未开裂,呈红褐色,红香荚兰豆香型,香气浓郁。Color from reddish brown to brown, having rich fragrance or aroma.