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砌体暗渠取代混凝土排水沟。Masonry culvert replaces concrete gutter.

涵闸具有挡水、泄水的作用。Culvert and sluice block and sluice water.

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激光微波适用于涵洞等。Laser microwave applicable to such culvert.

林志,我昨晚收到约稿涵了。Last night, I LinZhi culvert manuscripts received.

街对面有一个涵洞,里面聚集了成群的蚊子。Across the street is a culvert swarming with mosquitoes.

经过几天的苦战,高低把涵洞修好了。After days of hard work, the culvert was at last completed.

最后,说明了涵洞CAD系统设计中的关键技术。In the end, the key technology of the culvert CAD is explained.

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并提出了计算了泄水涵洞流量的流程图。Then we develop the discharge coefficient formula in the culvert.

工程进行到一半,这些涵管就用完了。These culvert pipes will run out after half of the project is completed.

尸体被三人驾车运到顺义的一个涵洞内遗弃。The bodies were transported to three motorists Shunyi abandoned in a culvert.

钢筋混凝土箱涵在施工过程中,易产生裂缝。Cracks are easily occurred during constructthereinforced concrete box culvert.

涵管已经老化漏水,必须尽快检修。The aged culvert pipes are leaking, they must be overhauled as soon as possible.

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裕廊集团在新发配土地时,一向都有征收排水渠保证金的惯例。Traditionally, JTC used to impose a culvert deposit for all new land allocations.

结果表明,无论采用何种设计方案,地涵洞身的淤积量均不大。It is concluded that the accumulation of sediment is small for any type of culvert.

铁路桥涵工程对防漏、防渗、防裂要求极高。Railway bridge and culvert works set high demands on leakage, seepage and crack control.

与常规的顶管施工相比,水坝泄水管涵工程对顶施工具有较大的风险性。Compared with common pipe-jacking, opposite pipe-jack ing for dam sluice culvert is risk.

过往的展丞靠着熟悉的声音,抹不去的回忆思念着洛涵。Past exhibition cheng against the familiar voice, wipe not to recall thinking los culvert.

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最初的顶箱涵方案因易造成塌方被否定。The initial program of the top box culvert could easily lead to landslides due to be denied.

本文讨论了地下深埋涵管的应力有限元计算问题。This paper deals with the problem of the finite element calculation for underground culvert.

介绍了涵洞施工的工序控制,以确保涵洞工程质量。The text introduces the process control of culvert construction to ensure engineering quality.