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新裤子乐队将于独音唱片签售!New Pants will be at Indie Music!

我希望保留我最喜欢的独立书店吗?Do I want to save my favorite indie bookstores?

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音乐势利是独立音乐的里程碑。Music snobbery is a cornerstone of indie music.

这个新闻绝对会让某个独立品牌非常开心。That news is sure to make one indie band very happy.

2005年他创办了北京影弟工作室。In 2005, Professor Zhang founded Beijing Indie Workshop.

是致力于生活和梦想的杂志创造者集合。An indie group of magzine creators sharing life and dreams.

全世界都知道你杀人夜投票是我不可或缺的。It is universally acknowledged that you are indie ible to me.

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辛娣憎姊妹会!她表示宁做独立派。Cindy hates sororities! She said she would rather be an indie.

这就解释了为什么独立乐粉丝看起来痴迷其他流派的音乐。This is why indie fans nominally embrace music from other genres.

对于独立乐而言最根本的是内行的无目的的练习。Fundamental to indie is the discursive practice of the connoisseur.

我接下来要进入电影圈,是在一个超级酷的独立电影里做主角。I want to get into movies next, a lead role in a super cool indie flick.

独立乐粉丝和一些出版物呈现出的是关于质量的话题,而非流派。Indie fans and publications present the discourse of quality, not genre.

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如果你想理解白人,你就得理解独立音乐。If you want to understand white people, you need to understand indie music.

现在,中国村巴士上大都是那些赶时髦的人,独立摇滚乐队,或是旅游者。Now the buses are full of hipsters, indie rock bands, and budget travelers.

如果是这样的话,你觉得音乐势利会在独立音乐里是普遍存在的吗?If so, do you think that music snobbery is more prevalent within indie music?

它也将有一个小的,对独立音乐及新加入240个座位的剧院。It will also have a small, 240-seat theater for indie musicians and new comers.

这支独立庞克摇滚乐团的首张专辑卖得很好,主要是靠口耳相传。The indie punk rock band's debut album sold really well, mainly by word of mouth.

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就在99年12月,押尾桑自己录制了一张独立制作专辑。It was in December 1999 that Oshio recorded an album on his own as an indie effort.

换句话说,我们有见到过这样仅依靠忠诚粉丝支持而生存的独立艺术家吗?In other words, do we see any a true-fan supported indie artist going digital first?

非主流音乐迷由于一些乐团取消了行程而无缘观看,现在呆在家里。Indie music fans are out of luck due to some bands canceling tours and staying home.