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我希望我认识一个友好的船夫。I wish I knew a friendly boatman.

船上有一船夫在呼呼大睡。In it there was a boatman fast asleep.

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我遇到了那位船夫,他将我渡到对岸。I met the boatman who then took me across the ferry.

一个学者请一个船夫划船把他送到对岸去。A scholar asked a boatman to row him across the river.

它就是身长只有两毫米的划蝽。The insect called the water boatman is two millimeters long.

船夫马杜的船停泊在拉耿尼的码头。The boat of the boatman Madhu is moored at the wharf of Rajgunj.

船夫马杜的船停泊在拉默尼的码头。The boat of the boatman Madhu is moored at the wharf or Rajgunj.

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第一章主要分析陈应松的“船工系列”小说。The first chapter mainly analyzes the novels of"boatman series".

船老大略带轻蔑神情朝海湾北部点了点头。The boatman nodded towards the north of the bay with some disdain.

为了更稳定,船夫将三条船系在了一起。In order to better windless , boatman let the three boats together.

菲律宾船夫沿着瓦瓦坝河划着竹筏。A boatman paddles his bamboo raft along the river at Wawa Dam, Philippines.

说起船工号子,我们年轻的朋友可能不太了解。Mentions the boatman worker's chant, our young friend possibly not too understood.

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你可以乘着由船工驾驭的平底船并坐在柔软的靠垫上游览绿色的运河。You can sit on a soft cushion in a gondola while a boatman rows you along green canals.

在风的吹送下,船夫没有努力,只是掌舵。The boatman was just guiding it, there was no effort, for the wind was doing all the work.

老船工猛地扎进了碧绿的海里,船上弥漫着一股森森的寒气。The old boatman dived into the green seas, and sent the shivering frost all over the boat.

一位船夫正在甲板上酣睡着,他从头到脚都裹在被子里。On the upper deck of one the boatman is fast asleep, rolled up in a sheet from head to foot.

突然,妻子发现岸边泊着一条小船,船上有一船夫在呼呼大睡。Suddenly my wife spotted a boat moored to the bank. In it there was a boatman fast asleep.

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渔民在小船上歌唱着他的拥有,水手在汽艇的甲板上歌唱。The boatman singing what belongs to him in his boat, the deckhand singing on the steamboat deck.

船家歌唱着他船里所有的一切,水手在汽艇的甲板上歌唱着。The boatman singing what belongs to him in his boat, the deckhand singing on the steamboat deck.

妈妈,如果您不介意,我长大后,一定要当这渡船的船夫。Mother, if you don't mind, I should like to become the boatman of the ferryboat when I am grown up.