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里克•泰桑说,这个计划给他们的女儿提供了实实在在的经济保障。Ric Tesan says it offers their daughter real financial security.

我们第一次到日本时,瑞克非常沮丧。When we first got to Japan, Ric Obarry was incredibly frustrated.

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这艘闪亮的飞船由里克·奥利耶驾驶,勉强躲过贸易联盟的封锁。Piloted by Ric Olié, the gleaming vessel narrowly avoided the Trade Federation blockade.

帕特和里克•泰桑在2009年的时候,为他们32岁的女儿艾琳设立了这样的计划。Pat and Ric Tesan established a plan for their 32-year-old daughter, Erin, in early 2009.

最后对RIC工法在郑少高速公路中的填路堤和桥台背填土压实中的应用情况进行了简单介绍。At the end, the paper also introduces some applications of RIC construction technology to the Zhengzhou to Shaolinsi highway.

帕特和里克•泰桑在2009年的时候,为他们32岁的女儿艾琳设立了这样的计划。里克•泰桑说,这个计划给他们的女儿提供了实实在在的经济保障。Pat and Ric Tesan established a plan for their 32-year-old daughter, Erin, in early 2009. Ric Tesan says it offers their daughter real financial security.

诺阿西北渔业科学中心在俄勒冈州的纽波特,海洋学家RIC布洛德尔说,名单中包括鲑鱼,胡瓜鱼,鲨鱼,鳕鱼和沙丁鱼。Oceanographer Ric Brodeur of the NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center in Newport, Oregon, says the list includes salmon, smelt, sharks, pollock and sardines.

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由里克吉莱斯皮的带领下,车队正准备下月在旅途太平洋加德纳岛寻找失踪的美国航空传奇阿米莉亚尔哈特的线索Led by Ric Gillespie, the team are preparing to journey next month to Gardner Island in the Pacific to find clues of missing American aviation legend Amelia Earhart.

首先对RIC公司原有的绩效管理体系进行了分析,在结合现代绩效管理理论的基础上对RIC公司绩效管理体系进行了重新设计。First the RIC company' s original performance management is analyzed, and then the modern performance management thought is used for projecting the new system for RIC company.

企业管理沟通是一门实践性极强的研究课题,本文将以RIC集团作为研讨重点,主要着墨于企业内部沟通的管理实践。Enterprise management communication is a very practical research topic, this paper will focus on the practices of enterprise internal communication management using RIC group as an example.

RIC可以控制一个装备上的各种电子装置,包括热感武器瞄准器、红外传感器、夜视瞄准器、手电筒、无线电和计算机等。The RIC can control a range of battlefield electronic equipment from the one device, including thermal weapon sights, infra-red sensors, night-aiming devices, torches, radios and computers.

RIC是一种武器嵌入式的安装在步枪前把手上的按钮控制器,使士兵能通过按单个或多个按钮来控制各种电子设备。RIC is a weapon-mounted, push button controller which attaches to the front grip of the rifle, enabling soldiers to operate a range of electronic devices by pressing single or multiple buttons.

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主要负责支持RIC上海的财务功能,提供会计和财务的准确报告和分析。向商务经理提供关于项目定价和盈利的建议。Primarily responsible for supporting RIC Shanghai finance function. Provide accurate reporting and analysis in accounting and finance. Advise the business managers in job pricing and profitability.