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苔丝爬进了这个窝里。Into this Tess crept.

墙上覆盖着长春藤。Ivy crept along the walls.

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那些小老鼠也都爬开了。The mice crept away again.

海水慢慢地漫上海岸。The sea crept up the shore.

他颤抖地爬上床。He crept shivering into bed.

墙上爬满了常春藤。Ivy has crept over the roof.

她从后面蹑手蹑脚地走近他.She crept up to him from behind.

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虫子在门底下爬行。The insect crept under the door.

走起路来,不觉平添了几分尊严。A new dignity crept into his walk.

狗爬到汽车下藏着。The dog crept under the car to hide.

蛇慢慢地在我们的脚下面爬动。The snake crept slowly under our feet.

海水悄无声息地上海岸。The sea crept noiselessly up the shore.

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一长队蚂蚁沿小路爬来。Down the path crept a long line of ants.

那猫一声不响地爬向那只鸟。The cat crept silently towards the bird.

那只猫一声不响地接近那只鸟.The cat crept silently towards the bird.

那只猫悄悄地爬近那只鸟,接着便猛扑过去。The cat crept up on the bird and pounced.

老鼠悄悄走到毒饵跟前。The mouse crept up on the poisonous bait.

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此时,风早已悄悄地溜走,藏了起来。But the North Wind had crept away to hide.

常春藤爬满了荒堡的墙壁。Ivy had crept over the ruined castle wall.

常春藤已爬满了那荒堡残垣。Ivy had crept over the ruined castle walls.