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这一块是别墅玄关的共享空间。This is villatic porch together share a space.

随着别墅市场竞争的加剧,别墅的营销策划显得异常的重要。As the aggravate that villatic market competes, what villatic sale plan appears unusual is important.

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李亚鹏和王菲选择的是别墅区中最大的A1户型,总建筑面积为706平方米。What Li Yapeng and Wang Fei choose is the biggest in villatic area A1 door, total floor area is 706 square metre.

在传统与现代发展的矛盾中,中央别墅区该如何平衡各种力量?In the contradiction of tradition and modern development, how should central villatic area balance all sorts of force?

翁布里亚区位于亚平宁半岛的中部,有着田园诗般的乡村和山野,风景如画的翁布里亚被誉为“意大利的绿色心脏”。Umbria Region is located in the central Apennine peninsula. It is possessed with villatic villages mountains. The scenic Umbria is known as "The Green Heart of Italy".

张女士还建议那些有别墅的读者,可以用这些边角料做一辆手推车,放几盆花在车里,一定非常有野趣。Ms. Zhang still suggests those have villatic reader, can do a barrow with these leftover material, put a few flowers to be in the car, have open interest very much certainly.

但是,这次“敬神”节举行之后,村里开始不断出现诡异之事,村民离奇消失死亡,邪恶笼罩着村庄的天空。But, this " godly " after the section is held, the village begins to appear ceaselessly weird thing, the villager disappears mysteriously death, enveloping villatic sky evilly.

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三层有主卧室、子女房、父母房、客卧室等等,别墅院内还有一个数百平方米的花园。Three-layer has advocate bedroom of bedroom, filial room, parents room, guest is waited a moment, there still is the garden of a hundreds square metre inside villatic courtyard.

其实关之琳的这套别墅说是四合院,不过是徒具四合院的外形和布局,别墅的整体构造仍然一座两层的小楼。Actually this villa of Guan Zhilin says is siheyun, it is the external form that provides siheyun in vain and layout nevertheless, villatic whole is tectonic still a two Xiaolou.

尤优也表示崔健是真正的艺术家,他的乐趣是沉浸在创作和音乐中,这比住别墅、开名车让他更快乐。Actor or actress also expressing Cui Jian is true artist especially, his fun is to be enmeshed in creation and music, this more villatic than living, car opening a name makes him happier.

如今,国内也有越来越多人住进了别墅,在自家的院子里设置一些防腐木的家具,也不失为一种情趣。Nowadays, home also has increasing person occupy villatic , the furniture of a few anticorrosive wood is installed in the courtyard of oneself, also can yet be regarded as a kind of appeal.

“晴翠园”别墅区占地400亩,将要建100座别墅,目前第一期的30座别墅已全部售完,二、三期的别墅正在建造中。"Fine emerald green garden " villatic area covers an area of 400 mus, will build 100 villa, at present 30 villa of first phase already sold out entirely, 2, 3 period villa is being built in.

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这种数码产品以具有可靠的安全性、时尚的外观、便捷的使用方式成为某些高档写字楼、别墅住宅的首选。Product of this kind of number the first selection that makes certain and high-grade office building, villatic residence in order to have reliable security, fashionable exterior, convenient use kind.