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马克斯在卖毒品前是个赌注登记经纪人。Max was a bookie till he got into drugs.

你们在说足球赌博的笑话吧?This is going to be an English bookie joke, isn't it?

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你需要一个赌场工作者在比赛里进行高投注。You will need a bookie to place high bettings on matches.

抽象派艺术家,详细的阐发家,无情的的赌马人。I am an abstract artist, a concrete analyst, and a ruthless bookie.

我们取消了赛马因此你可以在进行的每次博彩上获得极大的收益。We remove the bookie so you get greater value on every bet you make.

彩民们通常要到附近的投注站购买彩票。The color people usually must purchase the lottery ticket to the nearby bookie.

回到城市后,他第一件事就是在投注站泡了一天。After returning to the city, his first matter has soaked for one day in the bookie.

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赌注本身并不关注谁赢或谁输,它们只反映动作的百分比。The bookie doesn't care who wins or loses but just that they get their few percent of the action.

但至少当一个地方赌博有钱,他接着指出,以当地的餐厅,他买的新西装。But at least when a local bookie has money, he goes out to the local restaurant, he buys a new suit.

这种交易令大家可以跟线上的各人下赌注,而非必要通过注册的马会或执照人士。Exchanges allow people to bet with each other, rather than going through a licensed bookie or a parimutuel pool.

我们现在的经济系统,我敢说世界经济发展就像是足球射门的赌注。Our current economic system and dare I say the world economic system is run like a bookie runs the football bets.

美国当选总统奥巴马的就职典礼将于本周二举行。日前,爱尔兰一家博彩公司为奥巴马在就职演说上的用词开出了赔率。An Irish bookie is offering odds on phrases that may be used by US president-elect Barack Obama in his inauguration speech Tuesday.

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因为他既不喜欢用各种指标定位号码,也不习惯在投注站花费大把时间。Because he already does not like with each kind of target localization number, is also not familiar with in the bookie spends the great time.

随后的这几天,天气一直不好,但雨势有所减小,不影响到投注站买彩票。Afterward these days, the weather was not good, but the rainfall intensity has reduces, does not affect to the bookie buys the lottery ticket.

我发现大多数人都是在下班后去买彩票,因而投注站在这个时段非常忙,通常要排很长的队。I discovered most people are after getting off work buys the lottery ticket, thus the bookie is busy in this time interval, usually must arrange the very long team.

毫无疑问,欧文被这项运动深深吸引,而且他的最初的兴趣始于与爸爸在每个星期六的打赌上。It is hardly any surprise that Owen is attracted to the Sport of Kings, nor that his first interest stemmed from the bet his father struck in the local bookie 's every Saturday.