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你和受害者起过争执吗?Did you ague with the victim?

中国人认为疟疾是怎样产生的呢?Q. How do the Chinese think ague arises?

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三日疟,青年能治好,老人见。Quartan ague kill old men, and cure young.

春天一场病,一年不服药。An ague in the spring is physic for a king.

他毫无困难地驳倒了老师。He had no difficulty in ague his teacher down.

我经常和朋友辩论那个问题。I often ague with my friends about the problem.

它能有效治疗耳鸣、偏头痛、鼻窦炎、高血压等病症。It can treat tingle , brow ague , nose sinusitis , hypertension effectly.

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希刺克厉夫盯着他的儿子,盯得他儿子慌张打颤,他发出一声嘲弄的笑声。Heathcliff, having stared his son into an ague of confusion, uttered a scornful laugh.

我非常挂念我亲爱的教子,只希望在我的信到之前他已不打寒战了。I am very much concerned for my dear godson, but hope before this reaches you his ague will have left him.

青蒿作为青蒿素来源的主要用药广泛分布于全国各地,临床多用于治疗暑邪发热、阴虚发热、疟疾、黄疸等病症。Artemisia annul, which grows in the whole nation, is often used for curing such diseases as icterus, ague and fever.

这位19岁的小将是阿根廷20岁一下国家队的主力,是上赛季利物浦二线队夺得联赛冠军的重要球员。The 19-ye ar-old is a regular for his country's under-20 te am and was a key performer in Liverpool's second string landing the le ague title last season.

疾病控制和预防中心在每周的死亡和疾病报告中指出,这种疾病很难治疗,可以出现咳嗽和呼吸急促等症状,而且不断恶化。The hard-to-treat condition causes ague symptoms such as cough and shortness of breath, but steadily worsens, the CDC said in its weekly report on death and disease.