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应该称其为公众的悲剧吧。Call it the tragedy of the commons.

对于“公地”的定义同样关键。Defining the commons is also vital.

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下议院由六百五十八名议员组成。House of Commons consisted of 658 members.

1604年他任民法博士协会律师。He was an advocate of Doctors Commons in 1604.

1604年他任民法博士协会律师。He was an advocate of doctors commons in 1604.

下议院由六百五十八名议员组成。The House of Commons consisted of 658 members.

我已将动议提交给了众议院。I have submitted the motion to the House of Commons.

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你最满意资讯坊那一项服务?。What do you like best about the Information Commons ?

你最不满意资讯坊那一项服务?。What do you like least about the Information Commons ?

下议院的旁听席上坐满了人。The visitor's gallery in the House of Commons was full.

最好是去做个体检!干吃不饱怎么回事?How does dry be on short commons return a responsibility?

这是议会中最初出现的平民院的因素。This was the beginning of a Commons element in Parliament.

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这个比例已经接近每4个不同的普通战棋搭配1个稀有战棋。The ratio is closer to 1 rare for every 4different commons.

聘用议员为政府工作,会造成众议院人才流失。Staffing the government from MPs denudes the Commons of talent.

议院,最历害的武器就是嘲笑。In the House of Commons the most devastating weapon is ridicule.

在下议院,最历害的武器就是嘲笑。In the house of commons the most devastating weapon is ridicule.

创作共用是迄今为止最有名的牌照内容。The Creative Commons is by far the best-known licence for content.

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她是魁北克当选为下议院议员的第一名妇女。She was the first woman from Quebec elected to the House of Commons.

立法禁止寻乐公地,我们还有很长的路。We are a long way from outlawing the commons in matters of pleasure.

英国议会上院和下院都在这幢大楼里。In the building there is the house of commons and the house of lords.