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会飞的黑雾吗?Black fog fly?

雾一早散了。Fog lifted early.

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雾散了。The fog is rifted.

雾开始消散。The fog began to lift.

雾变浓了。The fog has thickened.

雾笼罩着山峦。Fog enshroud the hills.

后雾灯出现故障。Rear fog light failure.

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我已经把雾灯打开了。I have my fog lights on.

雾笼罩着述村子。Fog enveloped the village.

雾笛效用试验。Function test of fog horn.

红尘深处,雾蔼苍苍。Red Dust deep gray fog Oi.

有微微的风和轻薄的雾。Smooth wind and light fog.

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怕一场小雾?Frightened of a little fog?

就像风吹散浓雾一般。Like when a fog blows away.

风驱散了雾。The wind dispersed the fog.

我们雾影山?!Does our fog copy mountain?!

船慢慢地在雾中消失了。The ship faded into the fog.

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树林中雾气腾腾。Fog seeped through the trees.

伦敦以它的雾而著名。London is famous for its fog.

雾越发浓重了。The fog became thicker still.