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她是一名非常优秀的弗拉明科舞舞者。She's a very good flamenco dancer.

在西班牙你可以见到许多弗拉曼柯舞者。You can find many flamenco dancers in Spain.

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后来,我成为一名职业的弗拉曼柯舞舞者。Then I became a professional flamenco dancer.

我要去学佛朗明哥舞和肚皮舞啦。I'm taking flamenco and belly dancing classes.

佛兰明歌是一种活出激情的艺术。Flamenco is simply an art of living passionately.

在斗牛前或过程中会表演佛朗明哥舞。Flamenco is performed before or during bullfights.

佛拉曼科舞迅速风靡全世界。The flamenco craze began to spread all over the world.

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一提到弗拉门戈舞,你就联想到吉他和激情。Think of flamenco and you conjure up guitars and passion.

孩子们在巴塞罗纳集市上练习弗拉门戈艺术。Childrenpractice the art of flamenco at a fair in Barcelona.

这种斗胆、煽情、唯一无二的气势气魄便称作“弗拉门戈”。This bold, provocative, 1 and unique style was named"Flamenco".

对于“弗拉门科民歌”一词的起源有很大的争议。Considerable debate surrounds the origins of the word " Flamenco ".

加上复杂的弗拉门戈与足底-塔科步骤舞蹈动作。Add complexity to flamenco dance routines with the planta-tacon steps.

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但是你能看到弗拉明戈既是一种自尊的源泉,也是一种名望的追求。But you see flamenco both as a source of pride and as a claim to fame.

它们以照片的形式展示了弗拉明戈,其中一些作品拍摄于19世纪。It shows flamenco in photographs, some of them dating to the 19th century.

这些照片提醒了我为什么许多批评家害怕评论弗拉明戈。These photographs reminded me why many dance critics dread reviewing flamenco.

龙湖弗莱明戈,不只是一个洋房,她应该是一个洋房的时代。Longhu Flamenco Garden is not just a condominium, it opens an era for condominium.

这意味着我可以定期上课,而我也成了一个专业的弗拉门戈舞蹈演员。This meant I could have regular lessons and I became a professional flamenco dancer.

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课后,他为我演奏弗拉曼柯舞曲和塞高维亚乐曲。When the lessons are over, he plays for me his Flamenco melodies and songs of Segovia.

在19世纪,佛拉曼科在整个西班牙各地的咖啡厅非常流行。By the 19th century, flamenco was popular in cafes called cafes cantantes all over Spain.

佛兰明高舞坊乃香港第一所全面教授各级程度佛兰明高舞蹈的舞室。Flamenco dance classes at all levels offered by the first flamenco dance studio in Hong Kong.