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我开来了一条平底船。I have a gondola here.

这是一列煤矿用的双轴的贡多拉车。A biaxial gondola car for coal.

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不过,他不会也在她的贡多拉里吧?But he wasn't in her gondola too?

花了50美元来坐一趟小船。Cost fifty dollars for a ride in the gondola.

骗人吧,你!你真的进了她的贡多啦?You're kidding. You actually got in her gondola.

歌手们在平底船上对着游客唱着小夜曲。The singers were serenading the visitors on the gondola.

还可以乘玻璃平底船到深水区去观鱼探海。Still can take glass gondola to deep sea fish area to agent.

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坐上冈多拉会让你将威尼斯的迷人美景尽收眼底。A ride on a gondola will give you a fascinating view of Venice.

我会强烈推荐先坐敞篷车上山,然后步行下山。I would strongly recommend taking the gondola up and walking down.

当地的新婚夫妇乘坐刚朵拉荡漾在幸福的大运河上。Adrift in bliss, Venetian newlyweds ride a gondola down the Grand Canal.

弗尔涅的飞行舱会作密封、加压处理,并会配备氧气瓶。Fournier’s gondola will be sealed, pressurized and equipped with oxygen.

有许多障碍,想踢球,缆车跳跃和。There have been numerous obstacles like kickers, Gondola Jumps and rails.

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这是一列煤矿用的双轴的贡多拉车。从1861年至1886年在俄罗斯的铁路上运行。A biaxial gondola car for coal. Used on Russian railways from 1861 to 1886.

贡多拉装饰得非常漂亮,船上有可供五人乘坐的鲜红色椅子。The gondola was beautifully equipped with bright red chairs for five people.

我爬到“平底船”和后边一节高高的货车的车檐间。I crawled down between the gondola and the shelter of the high freight-car behind.

被困在悬于深渊之上的缆车中长达数小时之久是何等的感受?What did it feel like being trapped inside a gondola dangling over the abyss for hours?

你可以乘着由船工驾驭的平底船并坐在柔软的靠垫上游览绿色的运河。You can sit on a soft cushion in a gondola while a boatman rows you along green canals.

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它还腹侧敞车下鼻子,从其中一名炮手可大火在后面。It also had the ventral gondola under the nose, from which a gunner could fire rearwards.

可以被定义作为小船的事乘中国破烂物和意大利长平底船代表。The thing that can be defined as boat is represented by Chinese junk and Italian gondola.

你可以在威尼斯的河巷上泛舟,或者在中世纪的街道上随意漫步。Take a gondola cruise through the canals or just get lost walking in the mid-evil streets.