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中国纯种汉人已经绝迹。Pure-blood Chinese Han ethnicity vanishes.

政治属性是民族的基本属性。Political attributes are basic to ethnicity.

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甚至是利益、资源和种族。It's not even about profit, resource, or ethnicity.

对不起,我是另一个族群的族长。Execuse me, I am that another clan of ethnicity is long.

你看人家傣族园特意这么隆重地欢迎我。You see how warmly Dai Ethnicity Park welcomes my visit.

两人都视宗教作一偏离,种族划分也是棘手的问题。Both saw religion as a deviation and ethnicity as a problem.

同离婚一样,结婚率的差异也与人种和种族有关。As with divorce, marriage rates vary with race and ethnicity.

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我听人说这基诺族是一个从胀中走出来的民族。I heard that the Jino is an ethnicity that comes from a drum.

爱伲人的衣服以黑色为主。The traditional costume of the Aini ethnicity is mostly black.

这个傣族园里,一共有五个自然村寨。Here in the Dai Ethnicity Park, there are five natural villages.

语言与她们的文化和民族特性是如此紧密地联系在一起。Language is so closely tied to their culture and their ethnicity.

饰演延森的肖恩·特布原本来自波斯的少数名族。Shaun Toub, who plays Yinsen, is originally of Persian ethnicity.

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如果有人拿蒂龙的种族开玩笑的话,他会变得非常冲动。Tyrone became very hot-headed if someone joked about his ethnicity.

尽管人类的大脑并不总是能够区分性别、年龄和种族。Even the human brain can't always determine gender, age or ethnicity.

第一个强调原始不变的特性。The first emphasizes the primordial and unchanging character of ethnicity.

伊斯兰教毫无国籍或者种族之见,是面向所有人的。Islam accepts all people, regardless of what nationality or ethnicity you are.

所以后来人们才说这基诺族是一个从鼓中走出来的民族。That's why people say the Jino people are an ethnicity that comes from a drum.

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民族不同并不会在大政方针上造成太大不同。The different ethnicity would not cause grand policy to be supremely different.

以此文的视角,古中国是一个同文同种的国度。The article describes historic China as a nation united by ethnicity and language.

看来她也相信她的性别和民族可视她成为一名更出色的法官。And she appears to believe that her sex and ethnicity will make her a better judge.