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告诉他切不可心不在焉。Tell him never be absentminded.

迈克尔望着她,表现出心不在焉的样子。Michael looked at her in an absentminded fashion.

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心不在焉的学生在我面前批准这份裁决。The absentminded student consents to the sentence in the presence of me.

恍惚间,我们像初次相见一样,激动异常。Absentminded , we resemble the first time like meeting, excited and unusual.

随着案件的发展,王猛开始变得恍惚不定!As the development of the case, wang Meng begins to become absentminded and errant!

小夏突然想起来了,她在恍惚之中好像见过一眼。The small summer suddenly thought of, she at absentminded in seemed to once see one eye.

心里在祈祷,快平平安安下来吧,直到直升机落地,我还失魂落魄。In the pray, quick gets down safely at heart, until the helicopter landing, I is also absentminded.

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时间一长,人就会时常产生恍惚的错觉,这就是灾难前的征兆了。Time grows, the person can produce absentminded illusion constantly, this is the omen before disaster.

我抬起头看四周,这才发觉在我心不在焉地坐在这里的时候,学校里已经挤满了人。I looked around to realize that the school had become populated while I'd been sitting there, absentminded.

偶尔,当新娘探身对他说话时,他甚至有点心不在焉和精神恍惚。Occasionally he was even rat her absentminded and faraway when t he bride leaned forward and addressed him.

白日梦可以看成是心不在焉和不得要领,但它确实需要许多的脑力。Daydreaming may seem absentminded and pointless, but it actually demands a lot of the brain's processing power.

在幽闭的潜艇内部,船长和他的船员都由于压力导致“精神恍惚”。In pent-up submarine interior, captain and his sailor is brought about as a result of pressure " absentminded ".

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从此她经常在梦境里见到一个孩子叫她妈妈,这让她惊恐异常,导致精神恍惚。From now on she often sees in dream a child calls her mom, this makes her terrified and unusual, bring about absentminded.

请问失眠多梦,精神恍惚,少年白头,除了吃安眠药外还有什么药可以调理一下吗?Insomnia is excuse me much dream, absentminded , boy old age, what medicine still can be recuperated besides taking sleeping pill?

楚南见大夫后心神恍惚,险被木头车撞到,惠琳及时拉住他,但也告扭伤了脚。ChuNa mind absentminded after see the doctor, was struck by wood car insurance, HuiLin pulls him in time, but also to sprained my ankle.

恍惚中,一身长8尺铁塔一般大汉站立面前,他面色黝黑,神色冷傲。Absentminded medium, whole body long 8 Chinese foot iron pagodas general the big fellow stand in front, his complexion You be black, the air cold Ao.

经常失眠,胃纳欠佳,憔悴,且时有精神恍惚现象,连脾气都变了,三天两头发火。Often insomnia, gastric accept owes beautiful, gaunt, and from time to tome absentminded phenomenon, changed even disposition, get angry almost everyday.

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接著,这种病人变得愈来愈心不在焉,开始出现一些不由自主的身体姿态,特别是心理或生理具有压力时。Next, affected people become more and more absentminded and begin to display involuntary gestures, especially when under psychological or physical stress.

智囊像极了流行讽刺漫画的心不在焉的职业创作者,而且与他们交流自己的想法困难。The Plant bears a strong resemblance to the popular caricature of the absentminded professor-inventor, and often has a hard time communicating ideas to others.

那么,这么一个不会武功、精神恍惚的少女,对与他而言,岂非根本就是信手拈来的囊中之物?So, it is such a to know nothing about fighting skill, absentminded young girl, rightness and he but speech, not root be a Nian at random come of the thing in the bag?